Party backs Belfast Olympics
Belfast should host the Olympic Games in 2016, a political party in Northern Ireland claimed today.
The Vote for Yourself Rainbow Dream Ticket, which is contesting six seats in Northern Ireland, said in its manifesto that it wants Belfast to be freed of political parties, politicians and poverty.
Their document advocated:
:: the creation of model 21st-century city states.
:: supporting a world free of countries as envisaged by John Lennon with cities harmonising to provide entertainment and comfort for all to share.
:: beginning a dreamy rainbow which will begin to take shape in Belfast on election day.
The party is fielding Belfast-based journalist Lynda Gilby in the four Belfast constituencies where she will take on Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams, Democratic Unionist MPs Peter Robinson and Nigel Dodds and compete for the Ulster Unionist seat vacated by the Reverend Martin Smyth.
The Vote for Yourself Rainbow Dream Ticket is also fielding David Kerr in East Antrim and Ben Reel in Foyle.