New footage of Felix Baumgartner's space jump released

- Felix Baumgartner.
New footage has been released of daredevil skydiver Felix Baumgartner's nine-minute plunge from more than 24 miles upg in October 2012.
The footage, shot using multipe GoPro cameras, has been released on YouTube and shows Baumgartner's perspective as the balloon capsule recedes into the distance above and the earth grows ever closer, rushing towards him at a speed of Mach 1.24, or 833.9mph (1,342kph) - faster than the speed of sound.
The new footage includes a heart-stopping sequence (beginning at the 5:18 mark) when Baumgartner goes into an uncontrolled spin - with an on-screen display of his heart monitor revealing the exact moment (6:03) when he passes out.
The relief and spontaneous applause in the control room when he comes too is worth the admission price alone.
"When I was spinning the first 10, 20 seconds, I never thought I was going to lose my life but I was disappointed because I’m going to lose my record. I put seven years of my life into this,” he previously said.
He added: “In that situation, when you spin around, it’s like hell and you don’t know if you can get out of that spin or not. Of course it was terrifying. I was fighting all the way down because I knew that there must be a moment where I can handle it.”
Baumgartner, a 43-year-old Austrian former paratrooper with more than 2,500 jumps behind him, became the first man to reach supersonic speed without travelling in a jet or a spacecraft.
Awesome stuff.