This girl's letter to her 'amazing, fantastic' gay teacher is heartwarming

The nine-year-old wrote the letter after the teacher told the class he was gay during a class on homophobic bullying.

This girl's letter to her 'amazing, fantastic' gay teacher is heartwarming

A letter written by a nine-year-old girl to her teacher after he told the class he was gay has gone viral as many praise the girl's kind words.

The unidentified primary school student wrote the letter after a class on homophobic bullying. The teacher revealed his sexuality tio help the children understand why homophobia is wrong..

“As part of anti-bullying week, I’d asked who’d heard ‘gay’ being used as an insult. Almost every one of my class put their hands up. I was stunned", the unidentified British teacher told Pink News.

“Then I asked who thought that people who were gay or lesbian were bad or wrong in some way, again almost every hand went up."

The teacher then spoke to the headmaster of the school who agreed it would helpful to tell the class that he was gay and had a fiancé "so they at least knew one gay person and hopefully explain that when people use that word they’re talking about me".

The teacher said the reaction was fantastic and the class had lots of questions but after a few minutes, they were over it and they moved on with the lesson.

And then the letter came a few days later.

Pink News

“Reading it brought tears to my eyes and it took me a little while to compose myself. When I thanked her she just shrugged and repeated something one of the boys in the class had said during the lesson, ‘It’s just your life’. Then she went back to her maths.

“Now, I can mention my fiance as easily as any other teacher and my class know me a little better. I’ve had a lot of letters and cards over the years, but this one I know I’ll keep forever.”

The full letter reads:

“Dear Mr R

“Even though you’re gay, I will always treat you the same way as I do now. I still think about you the same way as I used to. You’re a great teacher and these are just some of the word’s (sic) that I would describe you as: great, amazing, fantastic, brilliant, awesome and brave.

“The reason why I say brave is because you shared a personal secret which was very brave.

“You don’t have to feel scared because I know that everone in the class feels the same way as I do.

“From A x x

PS. We are all proud of you”

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