Ursula Halligan : 'I have been in a prison since the age of 17'

Journalist Ursula Halligan's honest article in today's Irish Times has got everyone talking this morning.
In the piece, Halligan talks about growing up in 1970s Ireland and hiding the fact she was a lesbian.
"I loved a girl and I knew that wasn’t right; my mind was constantly plagued with the fear that I was a lesbian. I hated myself. I felt useless and worthless and very small and stupid. I had one option, and only one option. I would be “normal”, and that meant locking myself in the closet and throwing away the key."
She then goes on to describe the emotional toll it took on her.
"Emotionally, I have been in a prison since the age of 17; a prison where I lived a half-life, repressing an essential part of my humanity, the expression of my deepest self; my instinct to love."
She says the marriage referendum spurred her on to come out and support the Yes campaign, describing it as 'a game-changer'. This meant that she could no longer cover the referendum for her employer, TV3.
"If Ireland votes Yes, it will be about much more than marriage. It will end institutional homophobia. It will say to gay people that they belong, that it’s safe to surface and live fully human, loving lives.
"If it’s true that 10 per cent of any population are gay, then there could be 400,000 gay people out there; many of them still living in emotional prisons. Any of them could be your son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father or best friend. Set them free. Allow them live full lives."
She spoke to Anton Savage on Today FM this morning about why she wrote the piece.
The passionate piece has received widespread praise on Twitter, with many applauding her honesty.
Brilliant and brave piece by Ursula Halligan. http://t.co/X3we9lvQ38
— Anna Nolan (@annanolan70) May 15, 2015
Well done Ursula Halligan in today"s Irish Times. I'm sure that's a big weight off your shoulders.
— Ken Murray (@NewsMurray) May 15, 2015
Ursula Halligan says #marref has given her the courage to come out, "emotionally I've been in prison since I was 17" http://t.co/3Um3yqtOR8
— Colette Browne (@colettebrowne) May 15, 2015
What a truly moving piece on #MarRef from Ursula Halligan. Such honesty. Bravo. https://t.co/en8jqlzhgf
— Alison O'Connor (@alisonoconn) May 15, 2015
Powerful piece of writing by one of Ireland's best known journalists as Ireland prepares to vote on marriage equality http://t.co/ECVVeFGp7F
— Aine Kerr (@AineKerr) May 15, 2015
Can anyone, even @DavQuinn or @CatholicBishops read this and still lobby for discrimination? Ursula Halligan. Respect http://t.co/VyEwmvbBVW
— Mark Kelly (@Blackhall99) May 15, 2015
This is an admirable and touching piece from Ursula Halligan. It's also shocking how scared some gay people still are http://t.co/ZFJ29GAfbd
— Eoin O'Malley (@AnMailleach) May 15, 2015