Kenny denies Labour claim on FG child benefit cut
The Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has rubbished claims by the Labour Party that it will cut €252 a year from child benefit.
Speaking on Radio Kerry, Mr Kenny denied the claims, but said he cannot give an exact figure as to how much child benefit would be if the party is in power.
Mr Kenny has also dubbed Labour a "high-tax party", while saying Fine Gael is a low-tax one.
The war of words between the possible coalition partners continues after Labour took out another ad in a national newspaper today.
The Fine Gael leader, who is visiting Kerry today, said their plan is to re-balance child income support in favour of the less well off.
Mr Kenny said: "That is a desperate, panic-stricken measure by the Labour Party and those figures are complete rubbish because they haven't been focused on by Fine Gael.
"We will reduce the overall spend on child benefit during the period of government. What we will do is have a unversal paymnent which will apply to everybody.
"In other words, whether they are rich or not, they are going to get some element of child benefit but then you make a cut for those who are on higher incomes."