Budget 'ignores adult students'
The body representing Vocational Educational Committees (VECs) in Ireland today said the Budget measures announced by Finance Minister Brian Lenihan yesterday "ignored" the needs of adult students.
In a statement the Irish Vocational Education Assocation (IVEA) said adult education programmes were unable to meet the increased volume of demand being placed on them by the rise in unemployment and in adults seeking training.
“While I commend the Minister for protecting schools from the worst excesses of the Budget cuts regime the education programmes available to adult students have not been similarly accommodated," said Michael Moriarty, IVEA General Secretary.
The assocation criticised the maintenance of a cap on places at PLC (pos- Leaving Certificate) programmes despite an upsurged in demand caused by the recession.
It also expressed concern at the cutting of 300 places in Traveller Training Centres, which it said was an indication that the centres could be closed.