Consumer Association call FAI 'greedy'

The Consumer Association of Ireland has joined criticism of the FAI's sale of television rights for Irish games, labelling the deal as ‘greedy’.

Consumer Association call FAI 'greedy'

The Consumer Association of Ireland has joined criticism of the FAI's sale of television rights for Irish games, labelling the deal as ‘greedy’.

The FAI will net millions from the sale which means Irish football fans will need to have Sky Sports in order to watch home matches.

The sale has also been criticised by Sinn Fein and the Worker’s Party with Martin Ferris from Sinn Fein calling on the Government to review the FAI’s position in the Stadium Ireland development.

The Minster for Sport has also mentioned his disappointment with the decision but it appears that little can be done about the sale because of the Government’s refusal to list such sporting events as specially protected broadcasts that cannot be sold to pay-per-view stations.

Under EU legislation a list of events can be drawn up which can only be broadcast on terrestrial stations but the Government has not yet done this.

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