Dentists report 40% increase in hospitalisations from oral infections

Dentists are reporting an almost 40% increase in the numbers of patients requiring hospitalisation due to oral infections.
The surge in serious cases is being described as extremely worrying by the Irish Dental Association.
The body said the cut to PRSI dental benefits has resulted in patients being unable to afford a trip to their dentist and becoming very unwell as a result.
"It's very worrying," said Chief Executive Fintan Hourihan. "As a first world country, this is not something that we should see happening.
"People should only require hospital admissions in the most rare of circumstances.
"A few years ago you might have had ten or a dozen going to the specialist unit in [hospital] – we're now seeing multiples of that.
"That's simply reflecting the fact that the state has withdrawn support to patients to enable them go to see their dentist."