Latest: Garda senior staff providing 'visible, strong leadership', says Commissioner

The Garda Commissioner is set to face questions today over an internal review of homicide figures.

Latest: Garda senior staff providing 'visible, strong leadership', says Commissioner

Update 4.26pm: The Garda Commissioner says she fully believes her management team can lead the Force through a cultural change.

Noirin O’Sullivan is facing questions before the Policing Authority this afternoon.

She says An Garda Siochána is going through a huge structural change and the right people are leading it.

“What is takes is very determined, very courageous, and very visible strong leadership,” she said.

“And I’m very confident that that visible strong leadership is being provided by the team here, and indeed the senior leadership team throughout the organisation.”


The Garda Commissioner is set to face questions today over an internal review of homicide figures.

At the last policing authority in April, the issue of homicides not being recorded properly was discussed.

It emerged that some homicides had been classified as non-serious offences.

The issue is set to discussed when Nóirín O'Sullivan appears before a public meeting of the Policing Authority this afternoon.

The CSO has suspended the publication of any crime statistics until the Garda review is complete.

The latest set of CSO crime figures for all crime types for the first quarter of this year was due for release on Wednesday. However, the CSO confirmed the publication had been postponed.

“There was a review of the homicides, and we are still waiting for an updated set of data with any changes absorbed into that,” a spokesman said.

It is only the second time the CSO has suspended publication of crime data since it assumed responsibility for it in 2006.

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