Labour support on the rise in latest poll

Support for Labour and Sinn Féin is on the increase, according to the latest opinion poll.

Labour support on the rise in latest poll

Support for Labour and Sinn Féin is on the increase, according to the latest opinion poll.

Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have lost support however, according to the Behaviour and Attitudes Survey for the Sunday Times, which was carried out over a week up to last Tuesday.

Fine Gael has dropped two points to 25%, with Fianna Fáil losing three to 21%, and Independents and others unchanged are on 26%, when compared to a similar poll conducted last June.

Labour have shown some signs of recovery from what was a disastrous poll number of 7%, now up four points to 11% , with Sinn Féin up two to 18%.

Less than one in four voters are happy with the coalition as Satisfaction remains unchanged at 24%.

The poll also shows a majority supporting abolition of the Seanad and setting up a court of appeal in next month’s referendums.

On the two referendums, when “don't knows” are excluded - the Seanad would be abolished, with 60% supporting the coalition's plan.

Voter would also approve a new court of appeal with 78% supporting it, despite the fact over half of voters do not understand it.

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