Report reveals amount of donations to Irish political parties last year

Ireland's political parties have disclosed donations of 166,392 for last year.
The figure represents a fall of 3% compared to the previous year – despite the fact that parties would typically increase their spending for Local and European elections.
Donations exceeding €1,500 in value received by parties during 2014 were required to be disclosed.
The maximum value of donations which a political party could accept from the same donor in the same year was €2,500.
Fine Gael accounts for the lion's share of donations – receiving €102,567, with the Socialist Party next, at €30,405.
Labour disclosed €5,000 in donations, while Sinn Féin disclosed €1,520.
For the third year in a row, Fianna Fáil did not have any donations which required disclosure.
Four parties (Communist Party of Ireland, Direct Democracy Ireland, Independents for Equality Movement and the Workers’ Party) failed to furnish the required documentation to the Commission by the specified date.
Of these four, Direct Democracy Ireland has not yet submitted the required statutory documentation and the Standards in Public Office Commission referred a file on the matter to the Gardaí.
Anti-Austerity Alliance - €13,400
Fine Gael - €102,567
Green Party - €3,600
People before Profit Alliance - €2,500
Sinn Féin - €1,520
Stop the Water Tax – Socialist Party - €30,405
The Labour Party - €5,000
United Left - €2,500
Workers and Unemployed Action - €4,900