Taxi fares to increase from today

The cost of getting a taxi is set to increase from today.
National taxi fares are to go up by an estimated 4% - the first increase since 2008, as the new Taxi Regulation Act 2013 (Maximum Fares) Order 2015 comes into effect today.

There will be a reduction in the number of fare bands to two (A and B), and the meter will start to increment after 500 metres (1,000 metres at present) or 85 seconds (170 seconds at present)
The degree of change will depend on the length of your journey.
Noel Ebbs, CEO of the company behind Dublin taxi app Lynk, said: "The initial charge is being reduced from €4.10 down to €3.60.
"The increase has come on the kilometre rate - that's risen from €1.03 to €1.10.
"Then on tariff B, it has risen to €1.45.
"On shorter journeys, you can expect your fare to be slightly dearer. Mid-range fares it might be more noticeable, and on long fares, it will probably be actually cheaper."