Tenants should pick up landlords' household charge: IPOA
People who rent their homes could be hit with the €100 household charge announced in last week's Budget, if the body representing landlords gets its way.
The Irish Property Owners Association said landlords in the private rental sector could not afford the charge in addition to the second home tax of €200, introduced in 2009.
The organisation has advised landlords to write to tenants outlining a monthly service charge of €25 (€300 per year) to cover the household charge and the second home tax.
Spokesperson for the housing agency Threshold senator Aideen Hayden called the IPOA's move "outrageous".
"It was made very clear by Minister Phil Hogan that the household charge was a charge on the owner of the property, and not on the tenant," she said.
"In fact, that's specifically stated - it is not a charge for a tenant in the private rental sector."