UNITE criticises Department of Finance submission against minimum wage increase

The trade union UNITE, has criticised the Department of Finance for its submission against an increase in the minimum wage, to the Low Wage Commission.
The commission was established to advise the Government on the minimum wage.
UNITE is calling for an immediate increase in the minimum wage, by €1 to €9.65.
Groups representing businesses, have argued that an increase in the minimum wage would affect Ireland's competitiveness.
Ireland Secretary of UNITE Jimmy Kelly, has said that the commission could be perceived as disingenuous, if another department is against the idea of raising wages.
"The Department of Finance made a submission which is critical of any increase in the minimum wage. We think the government is talking out of both sides of their mouth," said Mr Kelly.
"It's unbelievable that we have to go through this process, but at least there's a possibility of moving what has been in place since 2007."