67% of Irish people have a side job to pay the bills - Survey
13% of people in Ireland have a side job.
The top reason for having a side job is to pay the bills.
73% earn under €500 at their side job.
Although side jobs are not too common in Ireland, they are still an option for people in Ireland to earn extra money if needed.
iReach Insights conducted a national survey and 1,000 people were asked about side jobs and saving money.
Of the 13% of people in Ireland that have side jobs, 86% have 2 jobs, and 14% have more than 2 jobs.
74% of people with more than one job would consider one of these jobs their main job.
11% more females than males would consider all their jobs equal.
To pay bills (67%)
Save Money (37%)
Saving for Holidays (20%)
Paying for a car (19%)
Support my children (14%)
Interesting 12% of females take a side job to support family members and 12% take a side job to support an expensive hobby.
No males take side jobs to do either, but more than twice as many males as females take side jobs to buy medicine (17% compared to 8%).
Holidays (58%)
Car (48%)
House/Apartment (22%)
Future Children 21%)
49% of those aged 35-54 and 25% of 55+ years old are saving money out of precaution, while 0% of 16-34-year-olds are saving money just to be prepared.
73% earn over €500 at their side job, 8% earn between €500 and €750, 10% between €750 and €1000, and 9% earn over €1000.
Dublin is the best region to have a side job in Ireland in terms of payment; 56% of people with a side job in Dublin earn over €500 in Munster and 8% in Connacht/Ulster. Meanwhile, there seem to be little opportunities for "high" paid side jobs in the rest of Leinster, as 0% of people there say they earn over €500 with their side job.