

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

Making decisions might be more of a challenge at present. Intellectual Mercury squares passionate Mars at 2:37 am EDT, setting off an internal war between logic and instinct. We must strike a balance to move forward. The emotional Moon then faces off against unpredictable Uranus, inviting surprises that can hit all of our nerves if we're not grounded. Later, the confident Sun struggles to understand serious Saturn, creating more conflicting desires for solitude versus spending time with others. Search for a happy medium.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


One of your peers might inspire you to step out of your current comfort zone. You could be shocked by the way that they (purposefully or accidentally) entice you toward a new way of life, a different career, or even a unique way of expressing yourself. This fresh perspective will probably be difficult to process in one day, so be patient with yourself. It's okay to let yourself unravel things slowly rather than convincing yourself that you must understand it right away. Baby steps!

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


What you say you want and what you've actually been consistently doing may be working against each other. Bad habits could be snapping at your ankles or weighing down your steps, distracting you from the necessary everyday tasks your ultimate goal requires. Sitting around hoping that something useful will happen can almost guarantee that your ambitions will remain pipe dreams, while allowing yourself to be distracted by habits will also waste your energy and slow your progress. Find the right pace.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


You might struggle to get your feelings across to others today. There could be something in the back of your mind that is preoccupying your thoughts, and the people around you may not be aware of this. Your desire to express how you're feeling might be at war with your desire to work through your problems on your own to avoid embarrassment -- this can lead you to not work through them at all. Don't let your inner conflict leave you with choice paralysis!

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Controlling your impulses could be tough in this moment. There may be a choice presented to you that encourages you to jump into action without hesitation, but waiting to make this choice might genuinely be the better option. Just because someone else is pushing you to make this decision doesn't mean that you have to follow their lead! Odds are, they may want something from you. Don't let your impulsiveness overpower that small voice inside you, because your intuition knows the way.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


You're combining the best parts of logical reasoning and heartfelt emotion. You're motivated to figure out the best way to consistently incorporate both creativity and logic into your day-to-day life. Maybe you're asking your boss how you can make your work more fun and encouraging while keeping it informative and beneficial to the company. On the other hand, perhaps you're trying to make your home more beautiful as well as more functional. Let a little bit of both worlds influence your decision-making process.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


Your heart may want you to go out, against your mind's argument for staying in. A friend group or your family could be trying to spend time with you, which you might want, but that might set you back in terms of achieving your goals by interrupting your plans for the day. Try to strike a balance, maybe by going out for a while, but coming back early to finish up your work. All work and no play is no good -- and vice versa.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


The responsibilities that you set up for yourself could be dragging you down at the moment. You may want to live your best individual life, or there could be sudden plans that you want to join in on, but you've already promised to assist someone else or to work on other things. Instead of shirking your responsibilities, make an effort to fulfill them before running off to stir up some fun. The more dependable you are today, the more it should benefit you later.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


When did you last listen to your heart? Other people may let you down today -- perhaps a peer shocks with you information that leaves you questioning however you felt before. It's important to make sure that you don't react overemotionally. Take some time to sit with yourself and process how you are feeling about this surprise, regardless of the details. After you've worked through your feelings, you might want to have a conversation with the person who stunned you in this way.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Protection might be your first instinct, but vulnerability could take you much further. Stepping up to the plate can be intimidating, especially if you've struck out in the past, but you have to keep swinging at the goals that are close to your heart or you'll never hit a home run. Not every single person around you will understand your process -- they may not understand your feelings when you make them known, either. Still, you're not alone. Keeping your heart open is vital.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


You might feel trapped or pulled in two directions at once. Maybe someone special in your life wants to spend time with you and get to know you on a deeper level, but you simultaneously have responsibilities that are demanding your attention and focus. Regardless, now is not a good time to make risky decisions. If another person in your midst is also taking such risks, both of you acting recklessly could result in disaster. Stay steady now to build a stable future.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


Past experience tells you to keep going with what you've been doing, while your instinct tells you to move beyond it. It might be that you are working tirelessly toward accomplishing your goals -- but you're working harder, not smarter. While this may initially seem like too difficult of a problem to out-think, you have the creative mindset that it takes to break out of any box and elevate your whole process. Seek out ways of maximizing your returns for your efforts.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


You didn't sign up for this emotional rollercoaster, but here it is! Maybe you're on top of the world one moment without a care in the world, but the next, a surprise influx of information could convince you to get serious ASAP. Instead of letting this surprising information throw you off your rhythm, remind yourself that you can handle anything! Going into it with this mindset sets you up for success and lessens your overall stress. Whatever will be, will be.

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