

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

Stable doesn't always mean boring. With the intuitive Moon in sensual Taurus supporting the confident Sun in comforting Cancer, life just makes sense! It'll be easier to stay grounded and make sensible decisions for the future. The Moon then joins with fiery Mars in Taurus at 12:19 pm EDT, engaging our senses with passion and comfort in mind. Later on, the Moon will support balanced Venus, adding another dose of ease and enjoyment to our connections with others. Give stability a chance to create growth!

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


New abundance may be coming through for you, Aries. You're likely able to bring in another source of revenue or build a positive home situation. That said, you will need to put in some sweat equity to find these opportunities. Security is key at present -- you can create it by working hard to achieve your goals, then creating balance to make sure that you can follow through and stay consistent. After all, once you receive abundance, you have to use it wisely!

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


You can learn a lot today -- if you know who your friends are. The focus is on you, potentially more than you know! Other people might be looking to you as an example, for better or for worse. Some don't want to intrude, while others want to see what you will do when presented with opportunities versus obstacles. Instead of getting caught up in those who are on the outside looking in, seek support and guidance from true friends for best results.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Your spiritual life might be calling out for order! You could be a little disorganized when it comes to your spiritual routines, but there's no need for fear. Things that are meant to be are currently inclined to fall into place. In particular, your spiritual alignment could happen much more easily than you were expecting. You may feel like you need a solid answer before releasing something that no longer is in alignment with you, but truthfully, letting go may usher in that security you're seeking.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Your dreams might begin materializing right before your eyes! While you may not quite be receiving an award or reaching the pinnacle of your career, you are ready to take a step that should further your progress toward a lofty personal goal. There's no shame in aiming high and believing that you can reach the top -- after all, someone's going to be there, so why shouldn't it be you? Leave your fears of leaving your comfort zone in the past.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


Everyday operations can run like well-oiled machines at this time. You might not see any substantial growth yet, but there are positive talks likely going on behind closed doors. When it comes to work, superiors or coworkers have potentially been paying attention to your performance recently -- they may already want to support you! If you're not focused on career growth right now, then your reputation and public image can be improved, providing you with more confidence to step into the limelight.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


You're learning how to move sensibly throughout your daily life. Everyone makes mistakes in life -- even you, Virgo. On the other hand, perhaps you've learned to avoid certain issues altogether by seeing missteps that others have made in the past. You're capable of learning from multiple different sources and applying that knowledge. Of course, it's impossible to avoid all struggles or complications, but you're ready to act with wisdom instead of reacting with impulsiveness. Do your best to consider any potential repercussions.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


What you hide can't be appreciated. There may be a talent of yours or even a completed work or project that you are proud of, but keep hidden. When your creative expressions are trapped collecting dust, you are giving in to fear when you should be embracing yourself. Protecting a sentimental memento would be understandable, but if you're more afraid of backlash or criticism, that can be overcome. It's time to let your joy come from yourself, not from the opinions of others.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


What do the people around you have to teach you? Matters of love, travel, and learning are taking center stage, and those whom you surround yourself with are likely going to be the ones who support you the most. Close contacts have a galactic spotlight on them. You're meant to allow them to teach you about their experiences and ways of dealing with difficult situations. While it might not all be relevant for you, there should be some gems in their words.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Hard work yields more positive opportunities for partnerships. Career moves are more favored under these stars -- you've absolutely got a chance to bring in more revenue or, at a minimum, positive energy from friends or past colleagues if you reach out to them. You might also be hiring at this time, and if you're hiring, then the person working for you should be well-suited to get the job done. Whatever you do, make sure that you hold up your end of any bargains.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


Creativity and connections with others rule the day. You can expect your day to be filled with fun opportunities to indulge your creative side -- or even your romantic one. Specifics aside, you're probably drawn to indulge your passions rather than handle your responsibilities. That's natural! Make a point of setting aside time in your busy schedule to be creative and spread your wings. Once you're in that mode, the opportunities for socializing and growing positive bonds with others could seem endless.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


You have the potential to make decisions that will benefit you and your loved ones further down the line. Thinking ahead is especially wise at this time -- no matter how blessed you currently are, harder times may come in the future. The planets are supporting your preparations. You can use this opportunity effectively by considering which beneficial projects or investments will strengthen your long-term sense of security. That being said, don't forget to enjoy this moment in the present, too.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Your head and your heart are spinning in sync. You might have felt a bit all over the place previously, but your emotions and thoughts are walking hand-in-hand, making it easier to know what you want. You're more equipped to take charge and say whatever's on your mind, in addition to feeling more in charge of your destiny. You could have received some encouragement that boosted your overall confidence, so consider paying it forward and making- someone else feel good about themselves!

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