

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

What is easy one moment may prove to be a bit painful the next. The Moon is in expressive Leo, making our emotions that much stronger. We can ease into them as the Moon sextiles the Sun in Libra, encouraging us to find balance in all things. We may crave more extreme measures, though, when the Moon squares Venus in intense Scorpio at 4:47 am EDT. This makes our desires that much more compelling! A final lunar quincunx to Saturn in Pisces encourages stability.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


Expressing yourself may require more thought than you expected. You're possibly happy to put yourself out there for people to appreciate while the Moon dances through your talented 5th house, but you may want to hide yourself away when the Moon squabbles with Venus in your private 8th house. One moment you want an audience, the next you don't want anyone around except maybe people that you're certain are trustworthy. Pay attention to them -- they're the ones you'll feel most yourself around.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


It only takes one person to make you feel heard. A square between the Moon in your emotional sector and Venus in your connection sector is bringing well-meaning people your way. This combination encourages open conversation, especially when it comes to feelings and anything you might have been holding back. Just keep in mind that there's nothing to be gained by holding back now! The way forward is by being open and honest, and you can be sure others should be willing to listen.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Everything is moving along to your benefit today! You're tapped into a positive flow as the Moon swims through your local 3rd house, and its potent angle to Venus in your routine sector is ready to guarantee that even the most mundane tasks come with an extra fun flair. If you've been putting off any important appointments or chores, tackling them now should ensure the process flows more smoothly than you could have ever imagined. Make the most of this productive energy.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Lovely distractions are around every corner. You may want to roll up your sleeves and get to work while the Moon paces through your 2nd House of Income, but even your most responsible urges could get thrown off course when Luna squares Venus in your 5th House of Pleasure. Your desire to enjoy yourself will prove almost irresistible, so don't feel too guilty if you can't help chasing after whatever brings a smile to your face. You can be a little selfish right now!

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


Your interior world is remarkably rich. You're quite in tune with yourself as the Moon waltzes through your sign. That sensitivity could become even more heightened when the Moon squares off Venus in your foundational 4th house, giving you the urge to cocoon yourself in as much comfort as possible. Check out from the world as you see fit -- that way, you can focus on nurturing yourself and making your surroundings lovely, using that special artistic flair Leos possess in spades.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


It's alright to float along like a balloon for a bit. Few things can keep you down with Luna turning through your restful 12th house, encouraging you to take a load off. Even if you need to stay busy, try to stay local when the Moon squares Venus in your communal 3rd house. Lovely experiences could be around every corner! Don't worry too much about having a plan -- just get out, walk around, and the planets should do the rest.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


It may be difficult to deny yourself, or anyone else, anything right now. The Moon is reaching out from your charitable 11th house to nudge your ruler Venus in your materialistic 2nd house, which could infuse you with plenty of giving spirit. It's alright to treat yourself, and it's also alright to treat others! On the other hand, Venus and the Moon aren't about to acknowledge reasonable limits at present. Check twice to be certain that you won't regret any charitable impulses down the line.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


You can come off especially well today -- maybe even with minimal effort. Thanks to a forceful angle between the Moon in your 10th House of Reputation and Venus in your capable sign, it's easier than usual for you to know when to shine and how to do it while the right people are watching you. This would be a terrific day for a professional debut or presentation, because you can succeed as long as you keep your feet on the ground.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Magical realms are beckoning you. It's likely tempting to fly off over the rainbow or step through a magical wardrobe to some other world as the Moon in your exploratory 9th house aligns with Venus in your beatific 12th house. When everything already feels like a fairytale, you might as well climb up a magic beanstalk! That being said, avoid following fantasies so far afield that you lose track of how you got there. Don't lose yourself along the way to success.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


Just because people want your attention doesn't mean you're willing to give it. Today, however, you may find yourself a little unsure about where to draw the line as the Moon in your secretive 8th house squares Venus in your garrulous 11th house. This heightens your social credit, potentially without you having to do anything at all. Don't be surprised if you get invited to some event or gathering, but do consider stepping out for a bit! It might be more fun than you think.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


People want to see the best in you. The Moon in your relationship sector is reaching out to arrange a powerful square with Venus in your professional sector, which is going to help you look your best. A business partner of some kind could enter the picture, or you may be dealing with some kind of negotiations -- professional or personal. Either way, Venus boosts your charm as Luna balances any competing influences to build a fair bargain. You've got this, Aquarius!

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


A delicious scent is hanging in the air, pulling you away from more mundane matters. The Moon in your responsible 6th house is squaring Venus in your exotic 9th house, so even if you know you should be burning the midnight oil, your imagination may fly out the window. Instead of trying to ignore these alluring thoughts, check off the work you absolutely must, then leave everything else for later and go pursue something beautiful that will remind you how lovely life can be.

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