

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

"One thing at a time" should be everyone's current motto. The mood kicks off on a powerful note with the Moon in hot-headed Aries shoving Mercury in sensitive Cancer, which could push us to say more than we mean. Fortunately, the mood eases up once Luna enters steady Taurus at 8:00 am EDT, giving us the chance to ease up on the gas. Even so, the lunar square to Pluto could spark bold ambition, so we can fire on all cylinders if we choose.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


Indulge your senses, Aries. You may miss the beauty on offer when the world is so full of stress and strife, but the Moon is settling down in your luxurious 2nd house, making this the perfect window of time to remember all that's available to you. You don't need to spend loads to do this -- try walking to the nearest park and smelling their roses! Regardless of your preferences, try to enjoy good food, look at beautiful things, or lose yourself in music.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


What do you require in this moment? There's a galactic emphasis on ensuring your needs are met as the Moon moves into your sign for its monthly visit, so take a moment to pause and reflect. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish during this next lunar cycle, then create a plan for making it all happen. You can rejoin the world in a day or two once you've got everything sorted. For the time being, make yourself a priority. It should pay off handsomely.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Rushing into things isn't necessary. You can take life at your natural pace as the Moon drifts into your dreamy 12th house, encouraging you to take a load off and rest up in preparation for when the Moon enters your sign in a few days. In the meantime, do your best to wrap up any loose ends and get in proper rest, especially if you've been running low recently. Taking it easy in the present doesn't mean you can't play hard in the future.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Today isn't about you -- at least, not in the singular sense. There is an emphasis on joining up with other people and focusing on what you can do as a team, and this is thanks to the Moon entering your 11th House of Community Service. The less you think about yourself and what you have to gain, the more you'll be able to create something special with others. This something could benefit lots of people, temporarily or for a long time to come.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


The green light means it's time to go! The Moon is veering into your 10th House of Ambition, so stop spinning your wheels and hanging out in the slow lane. Instead, hit the gas and start racing toward your chosen destination. If you've been working with stalled plans lately, get ready for them to slip into gear and start moving. Whether you're working with new or old projects, there's much to be achieved. Don't let this potential pass you by.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


The world is waiting for you to come and sample it! You've got a growing case of wanderlust as the Moon dives into your expansive 9th house, showing you how much excitement is on offer if only you take the time to go after it. You may decide to pursue a fresh course of study or start planning your dream vacation. Even if you only begin with baby steps, do something to try and broaden your horizons -- there's a lot beyond them.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


Being intense isn't inevitably a bad thing. You can focus your attention that much more as the Moon moves into your all-or-nothing 8th house, boosting your ability to handle the most serious things on your plate. Even if these are tasks you'd rather ignore as long as possible, this particular energy is an ideal way to conquer even the most arduous and tense matters with ease. This cosmic energy shouldn't be wasted, so jump up and put it to good use!

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


There is power in numbers -- specifically the number two. Your 7th House of Partnerships is all lit up as the Moon arrives for its monthly visit, orienting your attention toward the most important people in your life. Someone may step forward to carry their weight in one manner or another. It's possible that you already know this person, or they may be a welcome stranger. Either way, be open to whoever appears at this time. They're likely doing so to your benefit.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Your work matters just as much as your results. Everything can happen in a timely fashion as the Moon paces into your 6th House of Daily Routine. This is like a time-out where you can catch your breath and retrain your eye on the ball before hitting it out of the park. If you've recently dropped a beneficial habit, make an effort to get things back on track. It shouldn't require a massive shift to get things clicked back into place.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


There's no point in living life if you're not passionate about something. It's time to put your energy into the things that bring you pleasure and joy as the Moon moves into your expressive 5th house. The world is alive with vivid colors -- you don't need to exist in some grayscale version of reality. Make this day about enjoying yourself, whatever that might mean to you. You don't need to answer to anyone else, as long as you're being positive.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


Soap is only useful if you use it. Many things in your space are like that, useful when you use them, but not when you don't. Thanks to Luna empowering your 4th House of Homeliness, you can make sure your domestic sphere is both aesthetically pleasing and authentically functional. There's no point in surrounding yourself with bits and bobs if they don't bring you joy or aren't providing other functions, so phase out some excess. What's left will shine that much brighter!

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


You speak to others very kindly, but you might have been so kind to yourself. Today, as the Moon enters your chaotic 3rd house, remember to treat yourself with the same grace you allow others. When others are messy or get distracted, you may support their efforts to shape up without judgment, and you deserve that same space to do things that spark joy. Allow yourself a chance to be complicated or messy! It's okay to give yourself some wiggle room. You deserve it.

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