

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

Strong intuition replaces hesitancy. Spiritual Neptune travels through its home sign of intuitive Pisces to begin its retrograde motion at 6:40 am EDT, providing a soul-searching focus to our spiritual mindsets. Communicative Mercury then trines recently-retrograde Neptune, providing the mental focus needed to listen to our intuition, then communicate what we're experiencing within. When Mercury then moves into dynamic Leo, this can lead to a proud embrace of what's possible for us. Listen to what's inside your soul and learn where it wants to go.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


You're going within to learn about whatever's holding you back. This moment is meant for soul-searching, and the more that you honor this need to dig deep and ascertain how you're feeling inside, the more that you can get a firm grasp of what you need to do to make it happen. Look at your life and consider any potential ongoing roadblocks. Once you are able to face this and let it go, you should feel like a burden has left your shoulders.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


Someone in your circle may no longer be in alignment with you. No matter how much you care about this person deeply and want to be there for them, their ideals, dreams, and goals may not align with yours anymore. Have they been trying to sway you to be more and more like them? While wanting to stay close is understandable, changing your dreams and goals is not the way to do it. Let them know that you've got plans to work on your goals.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


You're rethinking what it means to be approved of. With your focus tugged toward your career or reputation at the moment, you might feel torn in two directions. You may want to present a certain image to the world, one that is very respectable and could seem a little too perfect at times. At the same time, you could wish for more authenticity with others, but are afraid of seeming vulnerable. Look for a balance by sharing more things with trusted loved ones.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Jumping to conclusions will do you no favors. You could be struggling with trusting others or leaving your comfort zone, but when it comes to learning and growing, sometimes it's wiser to take on a more humble and trusting position. Keep your wits about you, but do your best to avoid getting in your own way -- either by trying to make things fit a specific narrative or by not asking questions because you believe you already know everything. There's always something to learn!

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


You might be learning lessons that are very personal -- lessons that other people may not know about you. You may have trouble expressing yourself to peers, as they could lack the proper context for understanding what you're going through. Still, keeping everything inside isn't any better! Consider talking to a professional or emptying all your feelings into a journal if you feel like you can't share with those around you. When you've learned what you need to learn, you'll be able to move forward.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


You might be able to assist someone struggling with a negative mindset by simply showing them yours. You may not realize how your outlook is special until you talk about it with peers. They may not directly tell you that your way of thinking has inspired them, there is a strong chance that your words will encourage someone when they need it most. Make an effort to be there for your friends, whether they need a listening ear or a helping hand.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


Amazing things can happen when you get things in order. You may have been trying to play life by ear and work or study only when you felt like it, but now, you might be regretting such a laissez-faire approach to your duties. Once you set up workable systems for yourself, you'll be able to be more productive while using less energy. Work might actually seem fun! An organized mindset can help you reach your dreams, not just clean your bedroom!

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


You can focus on what's possible -- without worrying about what everybody else thinks. You might have been dreaming about taking a public leap of faith that could deeply impact your reputation. Now is the time to go after what you crave! Remind yourself that time will continue whether you make this gamble or not. When you delay decisions about the person you want to be because you're caught up in the opinions of outsiders, you risk losing your chance to become your true self.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


You're beginning to see which traditions you want to take into the future -- and which you ought to leave in the past. Perhaps you've walked in certain patterns for your whole life, but they're not necessarily resonating with you anymore, from major traditions to minor routines. Other practices have shone time and again throughout the years, making it obvious why you want to keep them in your life and let them continue on through your loved ones. Curate the traditions you practice.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


You might be gathering information from many different people with charitable intentions! This could be because you're seeking advice, gathering research, or setting up a surprise party for someone close to you. It's possible that you'll spend much of the day planning with thoughtful helpers, especially if you set a goal to support others in your community or elevate a loved one. Do your best to take time out of your day to make someone else's day a little more special.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


You've got a sharp eye and a keen sense of perception right now. Your knowledge of who you are and your ability to see things clearly are strong, and how you support others might be key for your loved ones. Keep your eyes open for practical ways that you can uplift others, and be aware of how others are feeling and showing up. If someone close to you seems like they need a shoulder to lean on, do what you can to comfort them.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Your current path in life may look a little hazy. Even if you intuitively grasp your deepest emotions, when it comes to knowing where you're going (and when and with who), you might be more confused than you've historically been. While emotional IQ isn't always valued as it should be, you can trust that your ability to connect with others on a human level and to tap into your creative side will be crucial to your success. Trust the process.

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