

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

A little effort can yield positive results. The Moon in free-thinking Sagittarius begins with a supportive sextile to Venus in elegant Libra, encouraging a fair-minded approach to whatever is on our plates. We may buck up against a barrier when the Moon squares Saturn in Pisces at 8:02 pm EDT, but we can experience a breakthrough -- if we are willing to slow down and carefully consider our strategy. Saturn will favor cautious approaches, rather than anything flippant or overly relaxed.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


Tapping into your intuition isn't the easiest endeavor on a day like this. You're full of drive and passion while the Moon flies through your audacious 9th house, but a lunar square to Saturn in your subconscious sector could trick you into missing something glaringly obvious. Avoid hurtling off on any grand expeditions or setting up any delicate schemes, because chances are high that you'll pick up the wrong side of the stick. Do your best to avoid having to give firm answers.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


People may not pick up on your mood, no matter how obvious you think you're being. It's perfectly understandable if you'd rather be on your own with the Moon in your 8th House of Privacy. Regardless, you might have to emerge from your cocoon when the Moon squares Saturn in your 11th House of Social Networks. People could demand your attention even if you don't want to give it, or you may need to play a part in a group activity. Diplomacy is key.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Sometimes reaching your goals requires assistance from others -- that's normal. Due to the square between the Moon in your partnership sector and Saturn in your career sector, reaching your personal finish line should be easier if you have someone there to boost your efforts. Bear in mind that this isn't just about them helping you toward your goals, as you should uplift their ideas in return. Perhaps your ambitions are more alike than you first assumed when you doubled up.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Limitations loom large today. You can focus on the work in front of you while the Moon tours your 6th House of Daily Routine, but the urge to explore more of life could be distracting when the Moon squares Saturn in your 9th House of Expansion. Unfortunately, these desires will likely be accompanied by a long list of reasons why you can't run off on an adventure, no matter how much you would like to. You can, however, successfully plan for future expeditions.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


A tedious detour could be necessary at any moment -- physically or mentally. You're honed in on manifesting your desires with the Moon's encouragement from your creative 5th house, but heavier matters will probably demand your attention when the Moon bumps up against icy Saturn in your intense 8th house. You may need to help someone else out or go over some important financial matters or contractual obligations. Either way, your day may end up being considerably less fun than you'd like. Avoid getting overwhelmed.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


Support doesn't always look how you want it to. Today may bring a dose of tough love your way as the Moon in your emotional sector grumbles at stoic Saturn in your relationship sector. Your peers may not live up to your expectations nor provide you with the recognition you were hoping for. The more you seek external validation, the tougher it will be to get it under this alignment! For now, hold off on looking outside yourself for support or boundless understanding.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


There's no room for procrastination at a time like this. It's tempting to bounce around town like a ping-pong ball while the Moon is in your 3rd House of Local Community, putting you in a distinctly social mood. Still, your responsibilities will take precedence when the Moon squares Saturn in your 6th House of Daily Work. Even if you have the day off, you may need to fix someone else's problem or deal with a last-minute headache. Prepare to put in the effort.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


It's difficult to deny yourself anything under today's stars. A certain amount of indulgence seems perfectly acceptable while the Moon moves through your luxurious 2nd house, and its square to Saturn in your expressive 5th house could make it almost impossible to go without splurging. That's not automatically bad, but be wary of treating yourself as an excuse to cover up some other issue. Retail therapy will only take you so far -- don't expect a little spending to change your life for the better!

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


It's easy to feel out of touch with yourself right now. Your emotions are heightened while the Moon tours your sign, but that energy hits a wall when the Moon squabbles with overbearing Saturn in your 4th House of Feelings. It'll be all but impossible to know how you ought to react to recent events. You're allowed to have moments of uncertainty! There is no need to force a conclusion, so give yourself permission to wade around in this unusual gray area.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


Your attention appears to be rather split at the moment. You've effectively checked out while the Moon drifts along through your sleepy 12th house, letting you drift along more slowly than usual. That said, the lunar square to Saturn in your busy 3rd house could force you to snap awake at a moment's notice. There may have been a coffee date you blanked on, or an appointment you totally forgot about -- you'll potentially need to scramble to avoid dropping the ball. Organization is key.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


Escaping the grind might be a struggle, no matter how you try. Keeping up with pals will be extra enticing while the Moon is in your communal 11th house, encouraging you to enjoy platonic bonds. Unfortunately, the Moon will disagree with stern Saturn in your income sector, likely resulting in work or financial matters getting in the way. The cost of a group activity may be outside your budget, or you could realize you have more pressing responsibilities. Procrastination isn't an acceptable choice.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


You can make progress if you're willing to get serious. The Moon is in your ambitious 10th house, giving you an extra fire in your tank to make a name for yourself. The Moon will square off masterful Saturn in your indulgent sign, however, which can feel like a lesson in self-control. You can't just fake your way through this one or do half the job. Saturn doesn't accept laziness, so if you do the work, the rewards should be well worth it.

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