

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

A few hurdles are ahead on our way to the end of the day. Confusion obscures the starting line as the Moon conjoins mystical Neptune in Pisces. On top of that, the planets will throw more mental roadblocks in front of us when Mercury opposes stoic Saturn at 4:50 am EDT. Satisfying conclusions could seem out of reach, especially once Luna stumbles into Aries and squares Mars in sensitive Cancer. We can push through if we don't let our emotions overwhelm us.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


Even your most productive urges could hit a wall without warning. This is just one of those times, as Mercury in your efficient 6th house locks into a tense opposition with stern Saturn in your subconscious sector. Blockages may pop up where you least expect to find them! It wouldn't be surprising if no matter how hard you try, you can't quite seem to cross the finish line with any particular project. That's okay -- take a break and don't try to force the impossible.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


Your present path to pleasure might take you into complicated territory. You're on a mission to enjoy and express yourself while Mercury moves through your creative 5th house. Contrastingly, the argument between Mercury and Saturn in your communal 11th house could make it feel like you must check in with others before you can run free. You likely have to play your part in a group effort, and that may require putting your bliss on ice. Patience is key to getting what you want.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Your emotions can only take you so far. You're prone to rolling around in your feelings while your sign's ruler Mercury drifts through your tender 4th house. Contrastingly, Mercury's opposition to stoic Saturn in your ambitious 10th house might force you to jump up and throw yourself into facing the world head on. If you're feeling especially delicate, then take space as you can. Still, Saturn isn't a very forgiving planet, so pick your battles wisely! Above all, don't give up on yourself.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


The boundless opportunities in the world may currently feel beyond your grasp -- that's not necessarily a bad thing. Try not to let trickster Mercury's opposition to stern Saturn convince you that you're missing out on something bigger by remaining in your neighborhood. Even if you are definitively unable to do something fun, try to distract yourself by laying out future fun plans. If that's still too dreary, you can always escape through a good book or another piece of media you enjoy.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


A debt of some kind may need to be paid today. You're focused on your finances while messenger Mercury spins through your 2nd House of Budgeting, and other people get looped in once Mercury pokes cold Saturn in your 8th House of Pooled Investments. You may need to parse out a matter regarding credit, taxes, or inheritances, or you'll potentially have to chase someone down who owes you money. Perhaps it's the other way around! Regardless, complicated conversations won't be easily avoided.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


People might shoot down your ideas seemingly without a second thought. You're ready to play verbal tennis while eloquent Mercury zips along through your sign. That said, its opposition to icy Saturn in your partnership sector could leave you feeling like people simply aren't meeting you halfway. There's no use in pounding on a wall, hoping to turn it into a door. If someone isn't giving you what you need, don't waste time trying to get it out of them. You're allowed to move on!

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


Daydreams won't necessarily serve you at a time like this. You're prone to being a bit out of it while messenger Mercury glides through your sleepy 12th house, even as its opposition to Saturn in your responsible 6th house demands that you snap out of it and deal with every intricate detail. In addition, co-workers, clients, or similar acquaintances might seem less helpful or supportive than usual. Start prepping to detangle any ongoing issues (and keep an eye on any potential thorns in your side).

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


To stand in the spotlight or find your place in the chorus -- that's today's question. The universe is tensing up as Mercury in your group-focused 11th house opposes Saturn in your fame-seeking 5th house, giving you the urge to blend in with the herd one moment, then to step out onto center stage the next. It's alright if you can't quite find an easy way to balance this energy; Mercury will soon move on to less complicated places for you.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


There are mountains to be climbed, but they are closer to home than you may realize. You'd likely love to charge into the public eye and make a name for yourself while Mercury emphasizes your 10th House of Reputation. Hold on! Mercury's squabble with Saturn in your rooted 4th house could stir up a domestic matter that requires your attention first and foremost. Whatever plans you had for yourself will possibly need to be put on ice while you put out metaphorical fires.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


You can only go so far at once. You may be tempted to fly far and wide while Mercury zips through your 9th House of Voyaging, but Mercury's opposition to Saturn in your 3rd House of Distractions could force you to stick closer to home. You may have wonderful plans as you think about all the possibilities available. Still, for now, those probably need to remain ideas, rather than realities. That won't always be the case, but at least temporarily, keep it simple and local.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


You may feel a little strained at the moment. There is a tense angle between Mercury in your intense 8th house and Saturn in your security-conscious 2nd house. The best way to overcome this energy is to prepare yourself to be on top of your game! You may feel like others are trying to take advantage of you or expect more than you are willing to give. Even if they profess to have good intentions, be ready to lay down the law when necessary.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


People may expect more than you're willing to give right now. Mercury in your relational zone is reaching out to serious Saturn in your visionary sign, which could create a tug-o-war between what people want you to do and what you want to do for them in turn. You may prefer to walk alone under this aspect, but if you've been putting off any important conversations or negotiations, then brace for them to a head! Compromise should be less stressful than avoidance.

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