

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

The fog is clearing today -- albeit slowly. The Moon in Leo starts out with a pair of confusing, indirect angles, the first to mystical Neptune, the second to alchemical Pluto. It'll be difficult to know what to do with all our ambition and energy! Things should become more manageable when the Moon enters efficient Virgo at 5:42 am EDT, slicing through the cosmic fog. The Moon will then sextile Venus in Scorpio, encouraging healthy connections and open-hearted conversations for a better outcome.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


Get your life in order, Aries! The Moon is marching into your 6th house, which is the most efficient and responsible sector of your chart. That's right -- get ready to buckle down and roll up your sleeves as soon as possible. This doesn't just apply to professional work, but to all the little aspects of your routine and wellness habits. You'll be able to clean up your act across the board. Just a few small changes can make your life flow that much better.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


Put some effort into having some fun! It's the perfect time to enjoy yourself as the Moon dances into your chipper 5th house, so don't feel guilty for one moment about temporarily setting your work to the side and chasing after the sunny side of life. You can kick back in whatever fashion you like. That said, the 5th house is very creative territory, so whether you're a proven artist or just occasionally dabble, make an effort to let inspiration move your hands.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


It's alright if you're not feeling very outgoing. You probably won't want to do too much outside your home, thanks to the Moon entering your comfortable 4th house. Luna requests that you set aside time to curl up on the couch -- after tending to any necessary matters around the house. Look around your space and identify any small changes that won't be painful to enact but will improve your space. It can be as simple as folding laundry or tidying a tabletop.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


You've got a long to-do list, so don't leave it for others to tend to. The Moon is diving into your active 3rd house, helping you take stock of all the things on your plate -- and what you need to do to be certain that you won't get left behind in the process. A friend or sibling could prove an ideal soundboard for bouncing a few ideas off of as well. Don't hesitate to ask others if they happen to have a solution.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


A few well-chosen luxuries can make you feel like royalty. There's nothing wrong with a bit of personal pampering as the Moon enters your sensory-obsessed 2nd house. You're allowed to touch, taste, smell, listen, and see all that you possibly can -- in fact, the more beautiful satisfaction you find, the better. You don't need to throw your money around like confetti in the name of good taste, but a little indulgence is deserved. Just remember your budget before making any purchase official.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


You don't have to get going just yet -- first, sit down and take stock of yourself. The Moon is trotting into your measured sign to hit your reset button and freshen things up a bit. What do you want to achieve in the near future? Consider sitting down and planning the most important events you have over the next four weeks before the Moon returns to your sign. You don't need to move mountains, but with a little strategizing, you can make impressive progress.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


There's no need to rush into anything. As a matter of fact, you've got cosmic clearance to take the world on your terms as the Moon slips into your sleepy 12th house. Go ahead and take your feet off the pedals to just coast. Use this restful time to process any outstanding issues. That way, once the Moon enters your sign in a few days, you'll be in the perfect mood to benefit from its intuition without being weighed down by any previous problems.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


There's no need to face the world by yourself. The Moon is moving into your joint 11th house, putting an emphasis on linking up with acquaintances in order to make the most of the day. If you've been working away at a specific problem or project that doesn't seem to be coming together in the way you want, consider asking other people for their feedback or constructive criticisms. Fresh eyes could identify something that, for you, is a blind spot.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Your goals are coming into sharper focus. You've got an extra push to make magic happen on the professional front as the Moon powers into your career sector, invigorating you to put the pedal to the metal and rush for the finish line. That isn't to say you need to cross it immediately, but if you put in the effort, then you can certainly get a lot closer! Don't sit back twiddling your thumbs when there is so much potential on offer.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


Approach the day on a global scale, Capricorn. The Moon is entering your 9th House of Abstraction, encouraging you to broaden your search radius in your pursuit of whatever it is that you're searching for. The best way to find it would be to go beyond your traditional boundaries. Accordingly, the LAST thing you should do is hide behind your limitations or restrictions. The universe itself wants you to shake them off, because freedom is waiting for you out there in the world!

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


The game's afoot, Aquarius! Life's mysteries may seem temptingly solvable as the Moon sneaks into your extreme 8th house, where all the intensities of life reside. Secrets could be under every stone and around each corner. You may also feel more attuned to difficult subjects like death or other things people want to keep hidden. While it's alright if you delve into them, do so with a sense of respect and sensitivity -- or you might upset loved ones along the way.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Someone else can fill in the blanks for you today. It's a good time to double up as the Moon enters your cooperative 7th house. Even if you normally prefer to handle life by yourself, this isn't the moment for that. Your buddy may be a friend, a significant other, or a colleague. Regardless, what's truly important is that you create a good team. When you work well with others, few obstacles can stand for long between your group and success!

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