

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

We can think a little more fairly starting today. Messenger Mercury in Virgo begins with a potent trine to Pluto in Capricorn, stirring up our desire for progress. On top of that, progress will be easiest when we work together, thanks to Mercury entering Libra at 4:09 am EDT. Connections of all kinds gain a special boost. Meanwhile, the Moon in emotional Cancer will oppose Pluto before entering Leo, allowing everyone to shake off any heaviness from the day in exchange for a fun evening.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


Two heads are better than one. This is true much of the time, but never as much as now, as Mercury jogs into your 7th House of Partnerships. Work should run more smoothly when handling things in tandem with others, rather than. trying to handle everything all alone. Make sure you aren't just looking for people who mirror your skills, but truly complement your talents while bringing something to the table which you might be lacking. That's how to build a strong team.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


A little critical thinking can yield amazingly positive results. With quick-witted Mercury bouncing into your efficient 6th house, you've got two weeks ahead of you to get your life in order and smooth out any wrinkles. This sector favors small changes, so instead of thinking in big terms, narrow your focus to the smaller habits and chores. These add up to create your routine, so start remaking them in ways that make sense to you. The outcome should be a welcome change.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Look on the bright side of life! The universe is plating up an extra serving of positivity as your ruler Mercury cannonballs into your fun-loving 5th house, setting your focus on firmly enjoying yourself -- whatever that means to you. You may feel extra creative during this time, so if you have an artistic bone in your body then be sure to put it to use. You don't need to produce a magnum opus, but it is certainly an option worth considering.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Cancer Central may be a bit busier than usual for the foreseeable future. Wordy Mercury is entering your domestic sector for the next couple of weeks, which is going to create more opportunities for socializing and brainstorming, typically within your own four walls. If you've been putting off doing any renovations or even considering moving, then this cycle can bring all sorts of possibilities for you to find just the right thing. In the meantime, consider hosting a party or two at your place!

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


Take your seat on the merry-go-round of life. You may indeed feel like you're going around in social circles as Mercury enters your busy 3rd house, stirring up the energy in your local community -- and making you a hot social commodity. If you've been spending all your time dealing with business or other mundane matters, then this is your sign to change things up and go hit the town! See what you can discover while you're painting it whatever color you like.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


It's time to get down to basics. Your ruler Mercury is moving into your 2nd House of Material Wealth, helping you think up new ways to earn money -- and new ways to spend it. If you've been on the lookout to increase your financial standing, this is the perfect time. You can also explore modern ways of investing the money you already have or other methods to help it work for you. Talking to a professional for tips is a very good idea.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


Put your thinking cap on, Libra. Your mind is about to start moving at the speed of light as messenger Mercury invigorates your sign immediately on entry, turning you into a receiver for all the most exciting and interesting ideas and tidbits of information percolating in the universe. You may feel more sociable than usual, and you're allowed to indulge that! On the other hand, this uptick in your mental prowess can assist with many outstanding issues, so don't spend all your time chattering.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


You can close up shop for a bit. Your mind is moving off to fantastical territory as Mercury enters your 12th House of Dreams, so reality isn't going to be calling your name for the time being. All told, you'd do well to avoid any major conversations that require being on top of your game, as you're particularly likely to miss something important, and won't spot it until Mercury enters your sign in a couple weeks. In the meantime, give yourself a mental vacation.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Your social calendar is about to get quite a bit busier! Mercury is entering your 11th House of Social Networks, which is all about teaming up with your chosen crew to pursue a common goal. While you can indeed make a lot of progress with people who have already been in your life, this is also an amazing time for strengthening connections with acquaintances and letting a few fresh faces start populating the picture. "The more the merrier" is very much the vibe.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


It won't hurt to formulate a new strategy -- or two! Cosmic communicator Mercury is entering your ambitious 10th house, bringing a magnifying glass to your goals that should initiate new game plans for getting what you want. This cycle can boost you toward the top of the ladder, so be ready to save the day at the drop of a hat! The chance to prove yourself will indeed be on offer. The more prepared you are, the easier it should be.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


Let your mind expand. Jump into the air and let Mercury be the updraft carrying you skyward as it breezes into your 9th House of Adventure, showing you how much excitement and intrigue are percolating out in the great wide world. This is the perfect entry point to dive into a subject you've always wanted to explore. Go ahead and immerse yourself in a culture or a topic of some kind that feels completely foreign -- it may end up feeling more like coming home.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Your mind can be a weapon -- if you wield it as such. Your tongue is razor sharp as Mercury arrives in your intense 8th house, cutting through the excess so you can ferret out details or even secrets that others might wish you'd ignore. You can use this to your advantage, but make sure that you do not abuse this power of observation! Whenever you're specifically working to increase your personal resource pool, make sure it's not to someone else's disadvantage.

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