

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

We're finding a happy medium. With the peaceful New Moon in Libra at 2:49 pm EDT, we're seeking balance in our lives by increasing friendship and love in our circles. As the Moon joins with communicative Mercury, we have opportunities to communicate our feelings, expressing ourselves in ways that we might have been holding back before. When the Moon struggles with serious Saturn, it could be difficult to take criticism or stay disciplined. Don't let egos stand in the way of a fresh start.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


The people that enter your life now could be here to stay. You might feel like you're standing on solid ground when you're speaking with them, as opposed to others who make you feel like you're lost at sea. Not everyone has the sensitivity needed to have an emotional discussion, but be aware that there may be a surprise suggestion or constructive criticism that you weren't expecting, even from trusted peers. Try not to take it personally, as it's likely coming from a good place.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


Routines might provide you with the balance that you've potentially been looking for. Whether you're just starting out with a completely overhauled routine or you've been keeping one going for a bit of time by now, it's important to look back and analyze your efforts. What have you been doing right and where could you use more discipline? It's easy to slip into the mindlessness of your phone or the TV when you get home, so try not to let distraction tempt you.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Fiery energy is arcing through the air! Regardless of your expectations for the day, someone might catch your eye or spark a great deal of passion in you. They may also be someone who inspires you for a specific creative activity, not just general enthusiasm. This could be a good time to invest in working on your hobby or practicing to make a creative career a realistic avenue for yourself. That said, make sure that you want this for yourself before you say yes.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


The world might have to come to you today. The case may be that you're stuck inside, or perhaps you simply don't feel like going out! Either way, the universe is reminding you of the benefits of hanging out at home. You might be inclined to avoid socializing altogether, even if doing so would benefit you. For this reason, it's important to at least consider getting out of your shell rather than hiding and waiting for things to blow over. Take charge!

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


New friends can boost your work on building the life that you want to have. You may already have the mindset that you need to succeed, but you might not yet have all the information or the support that you need, so stay open. Collaboration can be highly successful at the moment, but be aware that you could receive some criticism that you weren't expecting. No matter how constructive it's meant to be, it can cause you to obsess. Let it roll off your back.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


You might find that someone is working hard to be your rock. This person probably wants to express their care for you, but doing so may not come easily to them. They may struggle to express their feelings or what makes them feel secure. Once you are able to talk through some lighter things and establish healthy communication lines, they could feel safe enough to let their guard down and connect with you. Listen to them -- you'll both be thankful you did.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


This day is about recognizing yourself and what is on your mind. It's important to express what you've been holding back and avoid attempting to conform to the status quo, because this could be dimming your natural light. It can be difficult for you to stay regimented and ensure that you focus on yourself. Still, know that you are worth it! If you don't highlight yourself, you may not have the awareness or energy you need to support others. Take care of yourself first.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


Presently, internal balance will be more felt than seen. This could be rough if you normally rely on more tangible goals and ways of measuring your progress, but these may not have been supporting your ongoing emotions. You might be unintentionally letting these physical goals take over aspects of your life, without allowing for development of your spiritual or creative mind. Get in tune with your soul and start giving it the same level of importance that you give your brain.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


A recent community could offer you a chance to express yourself more fully than ever before. Previously, you may have struggled to find a place where you felt you truly belonged, but this group is capable of supporting your genuine needs, as well as providing you with feedback and support. Make sure that you are aware of the energy you're bringing to the group. Make a point of being open to the idea of working in tandem with others to find your success.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


An opening to say what's on your mind in the workplace might be just around the corner. You could have strong feelings about a nonprofit that you've worked with, a job that you've been at for some time, or someone in your life that you want to experience more recognition. These desires could prompt you to speak up where you might not have normally. Honor your experience and opinions by letting them support you to speak up both for yourself and for others.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


You might be stepping outside your comfort zone. Maybe you're no stranger to coming up with innovative ways of doing things, but your usual routine could need to adjust in a way that you haven't handled before. While that's exhilarating, it can also be daunting. Remind yourself of who you are and all that you've already conquered in your life! The more that you're able to stay disciplined in this endeavor, the more success that you should be able to gain later on.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Look out below! You're diving into a subject that interests you today. You might go down a rabbit hole of information that you had never seen before, and what you learn may be fascinating and something that you want to share with your family and friends. However, when sharing later on, others may make it obvious that they don't think it's as fascinating as you do. Do your best to avoid taking their lack of interest personally, as they'll likely come around in time.

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