

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

What we say matters. Talkative Mercury harmonizes with mature Saturn, empowering everyone to communicate serious subjects with gravity and make decisions with conviction. The self-focused Sun then shoves chaotic Pluto, leading to obsessive or self-sabotaging impulses, requiring us to pause and think before acting. When the Sun moves into intense Scorpio at 6:15 pm EDT, this magnetic, obsessive effect may feel even stronger, as Pluto co-rules Scorpio. Channel this energy into empathy and fighting for truth -- or get swept up in the storm.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


You might be making serious decisions about resources that aren't solely yours. Whether this involves a cooperative business venture, joint income, a mutual home, or even shared information, you're meant to treat it with the respect that it needs. Acting rashly or flippantly at this time could result in missteps that affect more people than just you. Who else could this impact? Instead of getting caught up in your head, make sure that you're listening to the other people in your corner.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


Someone may bring you a decision that you have to make. While it may seem like you're being pushed into a corner by a group of people in your life, it could actually be one that you needed to make a while ago. This could be a result of procrastination, avoidance, or inability -- regardless, an answer is urgently needed. Instead of running away from this, it's crucial that you stand and make a choice for yourself. Only you know what you need.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


You may struggle to make the same positive decision you made before. It might be harder than normal to be consistent -- maybe you're struggling to return to normalcy after a tough time or attempting to continue building a positive new habit. Temptations abound! Exhaustion, in particular, is likely tugging you toward the easy decision, not the best decision. While it might feel impossible to do anything except throw in the towel, hang on, and make a go of it. Baby steps are still steps!

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


No one will propel you out of your comfort zone. While you might have made up your mind that you will break free from comfort to find excitement, that's definitely easier thought than done. Details might begin to materialize that make it obvious that you need to do a bit more planning. On the other hand, though doing more research won't hurt, you'll never be fully prepared. Make a go of it once you've got your feet under you, even if it's imperfect.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


Social connections require even more sincerity than usual. You're keenly aware that the decisions that you make don't affect only you, even if you're only trying to follow your heart. When you make promises to other people, you're making a pact that you will be there for them and follow through. It's a good idea to make sure that you're honest with yourself and your loved ones about how you're doing, and avoid promising anything you can't deliver. Otherwise, you risk wounding yourself and others.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


A heart-to-heart may be in order. Someone close to you, whether a sibling, a cousin, or a friend, might be looking for advice -- specifically, your input on a situation in their life. You may not realize right away that some gentle guidance is what they're searching for, so your honest opinion could be a bit harsher than what they need to hear at this moment. Take some sandpaper to your advice and smooth off the rough edges to be honest, but compassionate.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


Someone you're at odds with may push your buttons. To an outside viewer, it might seem like you're overreacting to their behavior, but it's likely that you and this person both know that they're trying to get under your skin. You could be drawn to plot revenge against them for the ways they've been disrupting your peace, but this will only fuel the fire and possibly give them the explosive reaction that they want. Do your best to put this issue to bed maturely.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


When was the last time you checked in on your long-term goals? Take a moment to account for any projects that have been in the back of your mind for a long time, waiting for you to have the time and energy necessary to make it a reality. While this project would be satisfying, it'll require some hard work -- the temptation to put it off for another day may be strong. Seize this moment by invigorating your passion to overpower your distraction!

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Sometimes, it's about what you don't say. There may be something on your mind that you're not sure if you should say -- meanwhile, your peers are probably encouraging you to say it. While it's a good idea to be an open and honest communicator, it's also important to listen. You might gain a lot more from listening than you would from talking at present. Let someone else lead the conversation, then see if you still want to say what's on your mind afterward.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


You may be taking a step back so that someone else can shine. Even if you consistently rise to the occasion and receive praise for your hard work, your results are potentially more independent in a way that doesn't leave much room in the limelight. Someone might be waiting to prove themselves, or simply to be given an opportunity to try, and you can provide them the space to do so. Plus, their success would mean you won't keep having to do everything yourself.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


Your career might require some serious consideration. A fork in the road might be arriving, one that demands you choose a direction to continue on. This deserves some deep thought before you make it happen. One option may be a tedious but valuable path to learn something new, while the other option is less certifiably useful despite moving more quickly. Be respectful of your wants and needs while course-correcting, whichever you choose, and don't make a snap decision. You owe it to yourself.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Pisces is taking point! There may be an adventure that you've been waiting for someone to take with you. Here and now, instead of continuing to wait for them to finally show up, you're ready to take the plunge yourself. There's nothing wrong with doing things on your own, after all. Plus, there's so much that you might miss if you keep delaying things in search of a partner. Who knows, your experiences might include finding someone to go on the next adventure with.

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