

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

Healing isn't always a straight line. With the sensitive Moon squaring cautious Chiron, emotional wounds may be harder to heal and easier to feel. Luna tumbles on to enable intense Mars at 5:20 pm EDT, pushing passion or frustration to overtake us and encourage rash decisions. Don't worry -- once the Moon trines sensitive Neptune, compassion will be more accessible and we can appreciate the silver lining to any clouds. Let's look past our first impulses and make an effort to act with kindness.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


You might be more sensitive than normal. Vague comments that usually would have barely registered on your inner scale are likely continuing to ring in your ears after you hear them. You may even be trying to figure out exactly how someone's feeling based on how they're acting toward you. Trying to read someone's mind or adjust what you're doing to make yourself more digestible is not the way to go! Be kind as you respond, but be kind to yourself, too.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


Old memories could come out of nowhere. Whether someone from the past returns, a song or a movie reminds you of them, or a memory just strikes out of the blue, it might be emotional to revisit a phase from your history. You might wonder why you're being made to think about this time again. It's likely so that you can find inner closure and heal an emotional wound a little more. Acknowledge the memory, and let it go back into the past.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


Lost connections may be making you doubt yourself. Insecurities that are connected to people who used to be a bigger part of your life, but have since moved on, may be playing on your mind and bringing on worries that you did something wrong. In truth, people grow in different directions, and what is for you will always find you. It may be that you simply grew apart. Regardless, it's time that you seek out friends who align with who you are today.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Show the world who you are, Cancer. While this may sound intense, you've potentially been shying away from showing everyone what you are truly capable of -- maybe even refusing to acknowledge this inner power yourself. You may have capabilities that you've never tapped into because you feel that it would be too much responsibility or that you wouldn't be able to handle the pressure, but you're meant to start growing in the direction of what challenges you. Step up to the plate!

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


There's a difference between running away and moving on. You might feel as if you should talk with someone directly to find closure, or make a dramatic gesture to prove to others that you didn't let their lack of faith stop you. In reality, you likely need to put these people out of your mind and remind yourself that you can't force anyone to apologize or to feel the way you do. What you feel is valid, even without their acknowledgment.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


Which obstacles are holding you back from pursuing first place? You might feel as though you are trapped where you are, unable to move from your place and go after what you want. Factors that may be working against you possibly seem overwhelming. Perhaps pessimism insists that you'll never overcome them, so why bother? The truth is that this phase really is about the journey rather than the destination, so don't worry about becoming the best of the best. Just be your best.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


What you show might not be what others see. Everyone views the world through unique lenses based on their past, their culture, and a myriad of other filters. This can make it feel as though you're not being heard, or like they are purposely misunderstanding you, but things like that are unlikely to be the case. All you can do is express yourself as clearly as you can, and if they don't get it yet, maybe it will sink in for them later.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


A balance may need to be struck. You could be overly optimistic about what you can reasonably do -- be wary of overburdening yourself with tasks that you might not be able to complete. Making such unfulfillable promises risks letting everyone down -- including yourself. Still, this doesn't mean that you should refuse to assist anyone or isolate yourself. What's most important is to know your limits, communicate them, and respect the fact that you're just one person. You can only do so much!

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Take a chance! There could be an opportunity to be spontaneous today, but you might snub it in order to hide yourself from risk. You might be feeling low or discouraged, or just not up to the effort to get out of the house and do something fun and exciting. While you could be tempted to tell them no, you won't be accepting that free concert ticket or party invite, think twice. Letting life lead you somewhere unexpected may pay off in major ways.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


Someone might be trying to force you down the path that they took. Be aware of those in your life, likely older family members or friends, who will attempt to give you advice unfit for your life. You may or may not have asked for it! Either way, you're capable of recognizing that when they're critiquing your chosen course, they're talking about what would have been best for them, not necessarily what would work for you. Feel free to listen, but choose your own direction.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


Chaos is currently hindering your efforts to show up for yourself. You might not be in the right frame of mind to stay consistent or stick with your routine. Frustration can arise quickly, despite your best efforts. If you're overwhelmed and feel like every box on your to-do list is going unchecked, hit the pause button. Taking a moment to regroup will be worth it. Meditate, breathe, take a walk -- whatever you need to find your center and try again.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Insecurities may threaten today's entertainment. There might be something that's always seemed like a lot of fun to you, but your self-doubt keeps halting your attempts to have a good time. Even when your confidence isn't at an all-time high, you can hype yourself up and be your own mental cheerleader. There might not be someone around to boost your mood, but you'll probably enjoy motivating yourself. Don't let your fear of what could go wrong prevent what could go right.

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