

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

We're taking a step back. The emotional Moon enters innovative Aquarius at 2:31 pm EST, leading us to feel more aloof and detached while simultaneously opening our hearts to humanitarian ideals. Then, the Moon conjoins communicative Mercury to embolden self-expression, with nothing holding us back as our heads and hearts come into harmony. Finally, the Moon embraces intense Pluto, which may have us caught between dynamic changes and unnecessary obsessions. We are capable of striking a balance between seeing the forest and the trees.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


The big picture is your focus. You may have been caught up in the smaller details, but you're finally taking in the whole picture. Ask yourself questions around how your actions in the past have affected your present, or how your social groups have shifted the person you are now. While you can see everything from your current vantage point, it's not a good idea to try and make a sudden overhaul of your life. Accept it, then see what you can reasonably change.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


You can currently step into a leadership role. Now is the time to realize your power and walk in it without self-doubt. You're a powerhouse, but sometimes you can shrink, requiring others to be the leader as you stubbornly refuse to step into the spotlight. If you are in a position of authority, you may find that this is when others will begin really looking to you for guidance. You can't coast through this! Stand tall and show what you're made of.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


You can show others who you are by teaching them. Without your personal context, people could quickly misunderstand you. There's a history behind your actions, and while you're not obligated to share it, you may want to clue some folks in for your sake. Don't feel like you have to explain yourself when people are purposefully misconstruing you. In contrast, if they really want to get to know you, make an effort to let them in. It may create a positive community you weren't expecting.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


You're making moves in silence. While you may be tempted to ask others for their assistance in an ongoing project, it's important that you only let in your most trusted confidants. This is potentially something that's better shown than told! Telling people all the details before you're done could end with them becoming obstacles -- or even copycats. Make a point of keeping your efforts on the down low in order to have a better chance at finding success in the end.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


It's all about how you relate to other people. You might be putting on a facade, making it seem as if you don't need anyone else. In reality, you're probably hoping that someone will wear down your defenses with love and support. Unfortunately, other people are not able to read your mind -- you need to express yourself. Regardless of your specific connection with someone, be open and expressive about what you truly want. You shouldn't complain about what you never expressed.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


Your dedication directly correlates to your success. It will become obvious if your habits have been serving you, as letting your good habits slip in favor of aimlessly wandering or allowing others to dictate how you live your life will feel particularly unfulfilling. That said, if you've been putting in hard work to upgrade your life through consistent effort, you're more likely to see the fruits of your labor. If it's necessary for you to turn things around, this is the time.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


Inspiration takes priority. Your creative energy is the main factor in creating the life that you desire, because if you're continually doing something that you hate, you're going to feel sluggish, unfulfilled, or resentful, especially if you're following in another's footsteps. You might have thought that this was the path to what you wanted when you started, but your heart is pulling you in a totally different direction. Don't let the opinions of others cause you to end up in the wrong spot.

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


Home is where the heart is. You might be feeling homesick right now, even if you're technically at home. This homesickness could be for somewhere you could truly be yourself, or maybe it's for your family or friends. If you're not feeling this particular melancholy nostalgia, then you're probably exactly where you need to be, so any worries about being on the wrong path should be set aside. It's not about fame and fortune -- it's about what makes you feel safe.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


A change of scenery might be in order. While this doesn't mean that you have to hop on the next international flight, you ought to leave your usual haunts and go somewhere new. Allowing yourself to be freshly inspired is of the highest importance at present, because otherwise, you could find yourself slipping into a stagnancy. While it might seem trivial to spontaneously go somewhere different, that's how you make exciting memories and meet fascinating people. Don't hold yourself back from such experiences.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


Feeling secure isn't always about your material possessions. You're potentially in a place where you feel more financially comfortable, or you may have recently gained some material possessions that you thought would make you happy, but regardless, some part of you still lacks security. This missing personal stability is about your self-confidence and support system, not how much you have in your bank account -- even though that can help you to an extent. Forge a balance between external and internal security.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


Wherever you go, there you are. You may currently be feeling stuck within yourself, wallowing in your emotions and yet struggling to express them aloud. Others trying to get you to communicate how you're feeling could be frustrating, especially since this may simply be something that can't be put into words. Figure out what's going on inside yourself before you try to explain anything. Once you understand yourself, your peers may no longer need any explanation. Move forward with fresh eyes.

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Avoiding rest will come back to bite you. Be wary of those in your life who push you to constantly hit the gas, no matter how fun it sounds to race down the highway with them. Prioritizing any necessary recuperation is vital -- that way, you'll be at your best when the opportunities that you are truly aligned with come your way. Don't risk exhausting yourself or missing valuable openings due to races that you run on behalf of someone else.

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