Anti-migrant sentiment is 'a driver' of rising arson attacks, Garda Commissioner says

Anti-Migrant Sentiment Is 'A Driver' Of Rising Arson Attacks, Garda Commissioner Says
Drew Harris, © PA Wire/PA Images
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Olivia Kelleher

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has said he believes anti-immigration sentiment is partly responsible for an 11 per cent increase in arson offences.

The number of arson attacks increased from 1,420 to 1,572 between 2022 and 2023, according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).


A number of buildings that have been earmarked for housing asylum seekers, as well as sites rumoured to be, have been targeted in recent times.

There have been more than 20 fires at properties associated, sometimes incorrectly, with accommodating asylum seekers in 2023 and 2024.

Speaking in Cork, Mr Harris said there was no doubt that anti-immigration sentiment was a "driver" for increases in arson attacks.

"I do think that it has been a motivation for some of the arson attacks that we have seen," he said.


"Now I can’t say that the complete rise in those figures is all down to those incidents. But certainly that has been a driver for the increase we have seen over the last 12 months."

Mr Harris was also asked if he was disappointed in CSO figures which showed a noticeable resurgence in organised crime activity and increases in drug importation and dealing.

He acknowledged he was apprehensive about the "huge amount of illicit drugs moving around the world."

"We are concerned about it. Organised crime groups are always looking for a chink in the armour to move big amounts of commodity. So it is a concern that Ireland is being targeted in that way.

"But I would point to the work of our Garda Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau. I would also point to the international collaboration we have in respect of trying to defeat the movement of drugs."

Mr Harris also reacted to figures which show an increase in drug-driving offences and a decrease in drink-driving.

He said it was "worrying" that while drink-driving was "diminishing slightly" the reduction was "being entirely engulfed by the increase in drug driving."

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