Coronavirus: Sales of hand soap increase by 300% but expert says Ireland will cope with increased demand

Sales of hand soap soared by 300% in the 12 weeks leading up to March 22, as grocery sales hit record highs.
Irish shoppers spent €2.8bn in grocery stores in that time according to new Kantar research.
Tissues and toilet roll contributed to this as sales increased by 140% and 86% respectively.
"Ireland has a really strong supply chain," explained Jean McCabe, of Retail Excellence Ireland.
Ms McCabe says stores will continue to be well-stocked over the coming weeks.
"Tesco have the largest distribution centre in Europe (which) is based in Dublin," she added saying Ireland was in a good position to cope with the increased demand for groceries.
I think you will see the demand for non-perishable foods lighten off a slight bit as people realise there's no fear and that there's plenty there in the supply chain and that we're not going to run out of anything.