Harris ‘not satisfied’ at Defence Forces’ handling of soldier who attacked woman

Harris ‘Not Satisfied’ At Defence Forces’ Handling Of Soldier Who Attacked Woman
Cathal Crotty, a serving member of the Defence Forces, walked free from court after he was given a three-year suspended sentence. Photo: PA Images
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Rebecca Black, PA

Taoiseach Simon Harris has said he is not satisfied with how the Defence Forces have handled the case of a soldier who viciously assaulted a woman.

Cathal Crotty, a serving member of the Defence Forces, walked free from court last week when he was given a three-year suspended sentence for attacking Natasha O’Brien.


The 22-year-old, with an address at Parkroe Heights, Ardnacrusha, Co Clare, pleaded guilty to assaulting Ms O’Brien in Limerick in 2022.

The Defence Forces have said internal proceedings are under way following the court process.

Thousands of people have gathered in protests across the country at the weekend in solidarity with Ms O’Brien.

Taoiseach Simon Harris
Taoiseach Simon Harris expressed frustration over the Defence Forces’ actions (Niall Carson/PA)

Speaking on Tuesday, Mr Harris said he wants to meet Ms O’Brien after the end of any further legal proceedings that may arise, and commended her for coming forward.

“We need more people to be coming forward, we need to have a zero-tolerance approach, and what we certainly don’t need is anybody being put off coming forward,” he said.

He also expressed anger at a “flurry of activity” by the Defence Forces now, questioning whether it was prompted by the public interest in the case.


“It’s a harsh thing for me to have to say as Taoiseach, but I feel I need to say it, would the Defence Forces be carrying out their review that they’re now carrying out was there not so much public interest in this?” he said.

“There are people in the Defence Forces who clearly knew this was happening. Why did they do nothing? These are very serious questions and as Taoiseach I am not satisfied in relation to this, I am not satisfied at all.

“I am really angry about it, because we are now seeing a flurry of activity, but that flurry of activity is only coming about because of the bravery of Natasha O’Brien, and I want to know how many other people are hiding with convictions in relation to domestic, sexual or gender-based violence.

“They have no place, absolutely no place, in the Defence Forces.”


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