Labour Party leader Alan Kelly and Senator Marie Sherlock published a new Bill today, proposing cover for parents if their child’s school or childcare provider is closed due to an outbreak of the virus.
The Bill also aims to allow workers to avail of up to six weeks’ sick pay if they fall ill due to the virus.
Mr Kelly said the lack of mandatory paid sick leave is “an enormous hole in the protections which workers need to prevent them from being forced to go to work while sick.”
“Ireland is an outlier in Europe in not having paid sick leave, and it has been highlighted by NPHET and the acting Chief Medical Officer as a problem in controlling outbreaks.
“If an employer does not provide sick pay, then a worker will be liable to a serious drop in income,” Mr Kelly added.
We've spent the crisis saying we need to "value" workers.
No where is this more important then when a worker falls sick or should self isolate.
Workers should not be out of pocket when they are out sick.
Widescale testing and tracing wont work unless we have #SickPayForAll— Senator Marie Sherlock (@marie_sherlock) September 1, 2020
The issue of childcare was also raised with the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) earlier this week, recognising the issue faced by working parents if their child is unable to attend school or childcare services.
Senator Sherlock said the Bill would extend ‘force majeure’ leave to allow for parents to mind their children if necessary.
“This Bill would introduce a temporary extension so that parents can take paid time off to look after their kids if they are sent home from creche or school because the need to isolate or because the setting has had to close.
“This is another crucial step in providing the clarity and stability to working parents and their families across the country,” she said.