'Mother and Child Campaign' opposes adoption by gay couples

A Catholic lobby group has accused the Government of working to a pre-set agenda on gay partnership and adoption rights.

'Mother and Child Campaign' opposes adoption by gay couples

A Catholic lobby group has accused the Government of working to a pre-set agenda on gay partnership and adoption rights.

'The Mother and Child Campaign' has claimed children raised by gay parents are more likely to develop mental health problems or become drug abusers.

It's opposed to the granting of civil partnership rights to non-married or same-sex couples.

Spokesperson Niamh Ui Bhriain said: “I would not be confident in knowing that, god forbid, something happened to myself or my husband that my children would be raised in a household where there was a same-sex union.”

“The adoption board and An Taoiseach have refused to give assurances to Irish parents that the children will not be placed in households where there are same-sex unions and will not be raised by homosexuals or lesbians.”

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