This means the current death toll from the virus in the Republic is 1,773.
71 per cent of the cases are among people under 45 years of age, and six are in Carlow the highest in the country.
24 cases have been linked to known outbreaks or are close contacts of another confirmed case.
In terms of the total number of cases, with 35 cases today, there are now 26,801 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the country.
Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team
There has been one #COVID19 new death reported to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre today.— Department of Health (@roinnslainte) August 11, 2020
As of 8am this morning 14 people are in hospital with Covid-19 and seven people are in intensive care units.
Severe restrictions
This comes as an immunology expert Professor Tomás Ryan has warned that further cases of Covid-19 in counties Laois, Offaly and Kildare could lead to an extension of restrictions by four to six weeks.
The associate professor at the school of biochemistry and immunology at Trinity College Dublin told Newstalk Breakfast that there had to be a trade-off – either two to three weeks of severe restrictions or four to six weeks of lesser restrictions, which was what was happening at present.
“I can’t see how two weeks will be sufficient to contain this,” he said.
He also said that while more people were wearing face coverings, he felt that people were not observing enough physical distance and that the reopening of schools could have to be reconsidered.
Healthcare workers continued to put their lives on the line, they did not need to have to cope with a second surge, he said.
A regional approach was the way to go, he suggested. “Local lockdowns are better than the whole country.”