Return of schools will see more teachers and extensive cleaning

Return Of Schools Will See More Teachers And Extensive Cleaning
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Press Association
The plan to reopen schools will see extra teachers, extensive cleaning regimes and personal protective equipment put in place, Tanaiste Leo Varadkar has said.

The Department of Education has been finalising details in its planning document before it is brought to Cabinet on Monday.

The Government said its priority is to see the full reopening of schools at the end of August.


Mr Varadkar told RTE’s the Week in Politics programme on Sunday that he has read the comprehensive document in recent days and is “confident” students and teachers will return by the end of next month.

It involves extra teachers, it involves cleaning regimes, and involves all sorts of practices and procedures that may occur if there is a case of coronavirus in schools

He said: “The Government’s plan is ready, it’s going to go to Cabinet tomorrow.

“It involves a really big investment in changes to schools and school buildings.

“It involves extra teachers, it involves cleaning regimes, and involves all sorts of practices and procedures that may occur if there is a case of coronavirus in schools.


“And also special arrangements for teachers who have a chronic illness, for example. A lot of work has gone into it. There has been a lot of consultations with the unions.”

Mr Varadkar also admitted plans to monitor people travelling into Ireland from countries that are not on the “green list” needs to “tighten up”.

He said: “We’re going to look at other measures as well, for example, the possibility of requiring people to have evidence of a negative (Covid) test prior to travelling from some countries.”

The ‘green list’ includes 15 countries (PA)
The ‘green list’ includes 15 countries (PA)

He raised concern that holidaymakers from Northern Ireland are allowed to travel to 59 countries without having to quarantine on their return, while the Republic’s “green list” features just 15 nations.


Earlier this week Stormont’s health minister Robin Swann asked his cross-border counterpart to consider new laws and data-sharing agreements to help track international travellers arriving on the island.

But Mr Varadkar said the Northern Ireland Executive has been “very clear” it does not want to have an all-island approach to its travel arrangements.

He said it will be one of the issues discussed at this week’s North-South Ministerial Council meeting in Dublin.

He added: “Certainly in any conversations that I had with the First Minister (Arlene Foster) and anything she said since, they’ve been very clear that when it comes to travel they want to stick with the common travel area with Britain and won’t be restricting travel between Britain and Northern Ireland.”


Meanwhile, Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe has again moved to defend the Government’s decision not to cut the tourism VAT rate, despite persistent calls from businesses in the hospitality sector.

The Government last week unveiled a seven billion euro plan to stimulate the economy.

Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe said cutting the standard VAT rate was more effective (Julien Behal/PA)
Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe said cutting the standard VAT rate was more effective (Julien Behal/PA)

Mr Donohoe said cutting the standard rate of VAT from 23% to 21% will impact on more businesses and consumers.

However, a number of firms said this will not stimulate more demand for business

Mr Donohoe said: “I think the thing that is most likely to cause an acceleration of the return of consumer confidence later on in the year is where we are with our public health, is where we are with our skills, and is where we are with getting employers and people confident to be back in offices later on in the year and next year.

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