RTÉ staff who earn over €40,000 will face pay cuts ranging from three per cent to five per cent as part of a cost-cutting plan to save €60 million.
The plan is looking to make the saving over three years and a voluntary exit scheme will also be introduced along with reductions in staff allowances.
Reductions in salary protection and sick pay, in line with public service levels, will also be introduced along with standardisation of leave.
RTÉ director general, Dee Forbes said: “As the RTÉ/TUG Stability Agreement recognises upfront, RTÉ is experiencing ongoing financial difficulties that require immediate measures to ensure our continued viability. I am very conscious that measures that affect the pay and conditions of all staff are difficult, particularly at this time.
“But they are necessary as part of a series of measures to return RTÉ to a sustainable financial position. I believe the measures are proportionate and fair and crucially, as the Agreement states, they reflect RTÉ’s continued commitment to the principles of protecting employment, content and output.”
The agreement is due to come into effect on May 1st, 2021, until April 30th, 2023.
The adjustments would then be restored to the level that applied immediately before the commencement of the agreement.