The Road Safety Authority (RSA), is asking road users to exercise caution while using the roads from Sunday, July 17th to Tuesday 19th as Met Éireann has issued a weather advisory for high temperatures.
Ireland will experience a hot spell over the weekend and into early next week. Daytime temperatures will widely reach the high twenties, possibly exceeding 30 degrees in some locations.
The RSA is advising road users, particularly drivers, to be aware of the dangers posed by ‘sun glare’. It can result in drivers being temporarily dazzled or blinded by the intensity and brightness of the sun.
As clear sunny conditions and high temperatures are forecast over the next number of days.
They are advising people to reduce the risk from sun glare and of being dazzled by wearing sunglasses.
They are saying to be prepared and ensure you have adequate supplies of water, any delays to journeys could result in road users being stuck in traffic for a period time in hot conditions. Children and pets are particularly at risk during these hot spells of weather.
Ensure your windscreen is clear of grease or grime inside and out. Make sure you have window washer fluid to clear flies/insects and excess dust from the road when driving.
In terms of pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are advised beware of the dangers that sun glare can cause, especially when crossing the road and at junctions.
Road surface temperatures will rise significantly in the hot weather and surface dressed roads (“tar and chips”) will be prone to softening of the bitumen.
This will lead to bitumen slicks occurring on more minor roads. Road users are advised to slow down and exercise caution when braking in such situations.