Seven gardaí died by suicide in past year

Seven gardaí have taken their own lives in the last 12 months.
A new survey also shows that one in six front line officers may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
The study is being discussed at the annual conference of the Garda Representative Association, which represents almost 12 thousand rank and file members.
Other concerns include too much paperwork, working unsociable hours and a lack of pay.
Vice President Jim Mulligan says the job can have a long lasting impact.
"You can bottle these things up for years but they eventually get on top of you," he said.
"Even something like going to a road traffic collision if there's children involved, if there's somebody killed.
The horrific, continued exposure to stuff like that does have an effect on you.
The wellbeing survey was carried out by Dr Finian Fallon from City Colleges in Dublin.
He says the counselling service currently available for gardaí simply is not good enough.
"When I rang the counselling service I was told there was no one available at that time which I felt, in terms of a process of accessing counselling, is really not good enough for an organisation as large and as financially powerful as An Garda Síochána," he said.
"It's very important that people get quick access to treatment especially for PTSD as it has implications for suicide."