A number of locals in Tallaght are claiming that a new Manna Drone Delivery aerial delivery hub will negatively impact property values and create increased noise pollution.
Last month, the not for profit Partas lodged plans with South Dublin County Council for an aerial food delivery hub for the Tallaght Enterprise Centre and the hub is part of Manna Drone Delivery Service’s ambitions to make 1 million deliveries this year.
In response an objection signed by 30 residents living within 500 metres of the hub claims that “the proposed development is likely to negatively impact the value of nearby homes”.
The objection adds that “the increased air traffic and loud hovering drone activity will create a disturbance for residents, reducing quality of life and peaceful enjoyment of their homes, especially over gardens and other private relaxing areas”.
The objection - signed off by Alison Kenealy and 29 others - contend that the introduction of a business which introduced additional noise and air traffic could deter prospective house buyers, affecting the long term desirability of the area.
Ms Kenealy states that “given these concerns, we strongly urge the Council to reject the application.
"We request that the planning department take into account the broader impact on the community, especially residents living within 500m of the hub, before making a decision."
However, a spokesman for Manna Drone Delivery said on Tuesday: "Manna Drone Delivery has delivered to more than 150,000 households in Dublin, so far we have received 53 complaints from residents all of which we answer and respond to."
He said that “we've had one complaint in December and two complaints in Januarys”.
He said: "We are fully regulated by the European Aviation Safety Agency and the Irish Aviation Authority.
"We also engage with local authorities and public representatives extensively in any area we have operations in, this includes community engagement in school STEM activities and Sports Clubs.”
He said: “We will similarly be doing so in Tallaght as we want to be positive members of the community.
The spokesman said “Safety is paramount in what we do, with successful independent audits completed every year of our operation. Our aircraft feature multiple safety systems, tested at international standards, ensuring safe landing even in the most unlikely scenarios."
“Every flight is monitored in real time by our trained professionals, and our systems include extensive redundancies and fail safes.
"Independent reports from universities show Manna's drones are quieter than ambient traffic noise and we are introducing new propellers later this year to further reduce noise."
He said that “Manna does not take a view on house valuations”.
A planning report lodged with the application states that that the aerial delivery hub "would enable benefits such as faster deliveries, cost reduction and lessening of environmental impact”.
The 12 page planning statement adds that “the development has been scaled in a manner whereby any existing amenities of the area are not adversely affected in any way, nor any degradation of privacy arising from this subject development”.