Update: Gardaí release five arrested in Christmas Day scrambler bikes clampdown without charge

Five people arrested by gardaí as part of a major crackdown on scrambler bikes and quads in Dublin have been released without charge.

A file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Earlier: Five arrested in Christmas Day clampdown on illegally operated vehicles in Dublin
Five people have been arrested following a garda operation in Dublin targetting illegally operated scrambler bikes, quads and mopeds on the roads on Christmas morning.
In the last number of years, gardaí say there has been a significant problem on Christmas morning with illegally operated vehicles on the roads in Cabra and Finglas.
This year, a significant Garda Operation was put in place in order to tackle the issue.

Community Policing members called to schools and parents in the area in recent weeks to warn of the dangers associated with this activity.
Leaflets were produced and distributed in an attempt to dissuade parents from purchasing these vehicles and young people from using them.

Yesterday morning, members attached to regular policing units, DDU, specialist units and divisional and regional traffic seized 11 motorbikes and two cars.
Two of these bikes are confirmed to have been stolen.

Five people have been arrested so far, with follow up operations to come in the coming days and weeks as CCTV footage is analysed and results of technical examinations return.
Investigations are continuing.