The cost of items in Supermarkets due to inflation, landlords preferring young people as tenants, and nursing homes pulling out of the Fair Deal scheme are among the headlines in today's papers.
The Irish Times reports that a "Tidal Wave" of nursing homes could bes set to leave the Fair Deal scheme across the country.
The Irish Examiner leads with trust among the public towards gardai has been affected due to the "eroded" call system in place at call centres.
The Echo leads with calls for additional special school places in Cork after a child was refused a place in four different schools in Cork.
The Irish Daily Mail reports that landlords now prefer younger tenants in their property due to the laws that were introduced that give tenants more rights.
The Irish Daily Mirror leads with Leo Varadkar's comments on profits made by supermarkets during inflation, with reports Supermarkets are set for a windfall tax.
The Irish Daily Star leads with allegations of domestic violence made against Derry manager Rory Gallagher by his wife.
The rise in interest rates dominated the front pages across Britain on Friday.
The Financial Times reports on the Bank of England lifting interest rates, warning its inflation target will not be reached until 2025.
The Sun concentrates on showbusiness, saying Phillip Schofield has made a last-ditch attempt to save his This Morning partnership with Holly Willoughby.