Wind farm development in Cork refused planning to protect whooper swan habitat

Wind Farm Development In Cork Refused Planning To Protect Whooper Swan Habitat
A proposed wind farm development in north Cork has been refused planning permission. Photo: PA
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David Forsythe

A proposed wind farm development in north Cork has been refused planning permission by An Bord Pleanála in order to protect the habitat of the whooper swan.

The proposed development by Annagh Wind Farm Ltd sought permission for the construction of six wind turbines at a site at Annagh North near Charleville in north Cork.


The six turbines would have reached a blade tip height of 175 metres with a rotor diameter of 150 metres. The development would also have included access tracks, drainage works and an electrical substation.

Planning permission was originally sought for the development in February 2021 but was refused by Cork County Council in December 2022. An appeal was lodged with An Bord Pleanála by Annagh Wind Farm Limited in January 2023.

The ecological inspection report carried out for Cork County Council stated that the proposed development would be likely to: “Have a permanent significant negative effect on an area of high local biodiversity value and it is considered that the granting of permission for this development would be contrary to policy HE 2-3 of the County Development Plan 2014. Furthermore, the proposed development has the potential to cause significant negative effects on populations of protected species occurring within and dependent on the proposed development site.”

In its decision to uphold the refusal, the board said it is: “Not satisfied, on the basis of the information submitted with the application and appeal, that it can be determined beyond reasonable scientific doubt that the proposed development, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, will not have an adverse effect on the whooper swan, a species of conservation interest of the Kilcolman Bog Special Protection Area.”


The decision went on: “The Board cannot be satisfied that the development, individually, or in combination with other plans or projects, would not be likely to have an adverse affect on the integrity of the Kilcolman Bog Special Protection Area in view of the site’s conservation objectives.”

The decision follows the refusal of permission for two other proposed wind farms in Co Cork in the past two months.

In June permission was refused for a wind farm at Ballybane near Ballydehob in west Cork due to its impact on a “high value landscape.” In May permission was also refused for a wind farm in the scenic Gougane Barra Valley.

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