A Ukrainian MP has warned that the raft of new sanctions imposed on Russia are "not enough” whilst calling on Irish people to put pressure on politicians to do more for people impacted by the conflict.
In an interview on Newstalk, Lesia Vasylenko said that she wouldn't wish what Ukrainians are living with on any other country.
“It is a nightmare that you couldn’t even dare dream of ever in your life. Please support Ukraine and stand with Ukraine, not just in words but also with action,” Ms Vasylenko said.
“You have the power to petition your parliament, you have the power to petition your government for more sanctions against Russia and to ask for help for the Ukrainian military.
“What we need now is the closure of airspace over Ukraine so that we don’t incur the kind of attacks that were taking place all throughout the night in Kyiv.”
Ms Vasylenko said there is fighting close to where she lives in Kyiv.
This is what’s moving into #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/lVEFmq9JDv
— Lesia Vasylenko (@lesiavasylenko) February 25, 2022
“Ten minutes ago, we had sirens going off,” she said. “Half an hour ago, there were had planes flying in the direction of Kyiv.
“I know from friends who are texting me that there is fighting going on in another district in Kyiv.
“We are pretty much in war at its worst. I would call it World War III but then again it is just Ukraine that is standing against the biggest military power in Europe and the third biggest in the world.”
'Sick and perverted mind'
Ms Vasylenko says Ukrainians are prepared to fight for their country and that president Putin has been met with more resistance than he would have expected.
“I think Putin, in his very sick and perverted mind, thought he would announce this operation on the demilitarisation of Ukraine and then be welcomed here in Kyiv as a hero,” she said.
“That, of course, has not happened and that can never happen because Ukrainians are not Russians.

“Ukraine is a separate, independent country and Ukrainians will always fight for their freedom.”
She said that Russia employed a 'lightning war' tactic by using surprise, speed, and heavy firepower.
“We are hoping that this will be over by the end of the weekend, and this will be over with a victory for Ukraine because the way the attacks are turning out now, it is just Blitzkrieg attacks,” she said.
“I am so proud of our men and women who are fighting now for Ukraine.”