Joe Biden will not accept party nomination in original convention venue

Joe Biden Will Not Accept Party Nomination In Original Convention Venue
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Press Association
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden will not travel to Milwaukee to accept his party’s White House nomination because of concerns over Covid-19.

A Democrat source told reporters he would not head to the Wisconsin city.

The move is the latest example of the pandemic’s sweeping effects on the 2020 presidential election and the latest blow to traditional party nominating conventions that historically have marked the start of autumn general election campaigns.

Joe Biden will challenge incumbent Donald Trump for the presidency on November 3.

The president had earlier suggested he might accept the Republican Party’s nomination from the White House.

The pandemic has created havoc with the political calendar with candidates unable to hold may rallies.

The Democrats had chosen Milwaukee, Wisconsin for their convention in a state won unexpectedly by Mr Trump four years against Hillary Clinton.

The Republicans had originally planned to meet in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Mr Trump then moved the venue to Jacksonville, Florida because of coronavirus restrictions but now is considering the White House, which traditionally is not used for partisan events.

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