Index: Ireland has one of the cheapest hotel rates in Europe
Ireland is one of the best value hotel destinations in Europe and Dublin is the second cheapest major city in Western Europe, according to the latest Hotel Price Index.
Hotel room rates in Ireland remained stable in the first six months of the year compared to the same period last year
The average hotel price stayed at €81 per night in the first six months of the year, while globally hotel room prices rose 4% in the same period.
Ireland remains one of the best value destinations in Western Europe with only Portugal (€77) and Malta (€73) less expensive than Ireland.
The price stabilisation is attributed to advanced bookings for festivals and concerts, the return of the conference market and the continued value on offer throughout the country.
Within Ireland, Kilkenny is the most expensive hotel destination at €96 despite a 8% drop in rates, while Limerick is Ireland’s least expensive destination at an average of €64 per night.
Belfast saw its hotel prices rise 18% to €88 while Waterford prices went up 6% to €69 and Dublin hotel room prices rose 3% to €77 per night on average
The Hotel Price Index (HPI) is a regular survey of hotel prices in major destinations across the world.
The HPI is based on bookings made on and prices shown are those actually paid by customers in the Eurozone (rather than advertised rates) in the first half of 2012.