Zamano's TxT nominated for Industry Award
Zamano, a Dublin provider of mobile applications has been nominated for an Annual Global Mobile Award, in the Best Mobile Internet Application category for its TxT Manager.
This is a group-messaging application which is presently live with 02, a subsidiary of mm02, in Ireland.
The winner of the award will be announced on May 21 at the accompanying 3G 2002 in Amsterdam.
The awards give a voice to the customers and place customers among its highest priorities.
Zamano was nominated by 02.
TxT Manager is accessible over SMS, WAP or on the web and allows customers to create, organise and manage contacts and groups and send just one text message to all members of a group.
It enables real interaction for friends, colleagues and team-mates.
TxT Manager includes innovative features such as sharing groups and scheduling messages to be sent at particular times and dates.
TxT Manager is the first release from Zamano's M-Emsg suite of enhanced messaging products.