Kerry invaded by evil galactic empire in class Star Wars mockup

You've doubtless heard by now that Star Wars Episode VII is strongly rumoured to be filming part of its scenes on Skellig Michael.
And maybe you thought,
Well, here's some help.
The folks over at Bold Puppy, a media production studio in Kerry, cut together a quick mock-up of the iconic islands - with a visit from some iconic TIE fighters and their famous sound effects.
And that thing that's no moon hanging in the sky? Nice touch, lads. Amazing what a bit of green screen can do.
In fairness, the addition of a tiny bit of sci-fi to the ruined monastery does a pretty good job of suggesting how this might just work. And it's not the first time Ireland has offered up an iconic setting for the Star Wars universe.

The Old Library at Trinity College bears a striking resemblence to the Jedi archives, as feautred in Episode II. Lucasfilm initially denied that they'd directly copied the structure, but the library has a pretty unique design - the barrelled roof was added later by a different architect.