Authorities to use satellite images in Killarney wildfires investigation

Satellite images are to be used as investigations continue into how wildfires started in Killarney in recent weeks.
Officials within the National Parks and Wildlife Service have joined with Gardaí and the Department of Agriculture to figure out who was behind the blazes.
They are looking into a number of lines of inquiry, including whether the fires were being used to clear gorse from land in the area.
Paul Treyvaud, who runs a restaurant in Killarney, said it is a highly dangerous situation.
He said: "Maybe they don't realise the potential danger of, not alone wildlife fatalities, but human fatalities.
"This is an incredibly dangerous act of vandalism, and the sooner we find out whose fault it is and bring them to justice, the better."
Mr Treyvaud pointed out the fact that the wildfires were very close to some houses in the area.
"It was very frightening, there was a lot of people looking around outside, and you're talking only hundreds of yards from your house, you're seeing this enormous fire."