Cash-strapped school tells children to keep their coats on in class
A school in Dublin has been forced to tell children to leave their coats on in class - because the heating is broken.
Our Lady of the Wayside National School in Bluebell has had a broken boiler for around five weeks, but it does not have the €300 needed to fix it.
Principal Anne McCluskey says the school's finances are "catastrophic".
She explains how they are trying to keep children warm in school until the heating is fixed.
"Well, when they come in we'll just tell them to keep their coats on for a while until they warm up," she said.
"We send texts to the parents to ask them to put on an extra layer under their uniform perhaps long-sleeved tops, leggings, tights … extra clothes for the classroom."
She has said the Department of Education has to look at re-instating the Minor Works Grant for an emergency such as this.
The school does receive additional grants as it is classified as a disadvantaged DEIS band 1 school.