One in Four founder O'Gorman: Vatican still in denial
One in Four has said the Vatican is still not accepting responsibility for the purposeful cover-ups of clerical child sex abuse.
The support group said the findings of the Apostolic Visitation to Ireland, published today, failed to address the Holy See's role in protecting abusive priests at the expense of children.
The visitation team appointed by Pope Benedict said that while excellent efforts were being made to improve safety measures, more work was required.
It recommended devoting more time to listening to and supporting victims and recommended audits to monitor the implementation of guidelines.
Founder of the support group One in Four Colm O'Gorman, speaking in a personal capacity, said the report meant little or nothing.
"Nothing in the document deals with the Vatican's responsibility to address these issues in Ireland and globally," he said.
Primate of All Ireland Cardinal Sean Brady again apologised to abuse victims for what the report described as "sinful and criminal acts".
He said: "Innocent, young, people were abused by clerics and religious to who's care they had been entrusted, while those who should have exercised vigilance often failed to do so.
"In expressing true sorrow and regret, we make our own the heartfelt plea for forgiveness from the victims, and from God, for these terrible crimes" he added.